教程:每日学英语  浏览:224  
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    1. 颧骨的线索

    Using a photograph, measure the width of your face from cheekbone to cheekbone and its height from your upper lip to the highest point of the eyelids. Divide the width by the height.The calculation gives you your ‘facial width to height ratio’ (FWHR).


    Most people have an FWHR of between 1.5 and 2.1, with higher numbers of course signalling a wider face. Scientists have shown that people with wider faces, such as Wayne Rooney, tend to be more aggressive, angry and assertive. People with thinner faces tend to be more placid.


    Scientists suspect that testosterone is the cause. The hormone tends to make men’s faces more traditionally rugged — with heavy brows, jutting jaws and wider faces.


    2. 用大拇指思考

    Clasp your hands together with fingers interlocked and place a thumb on top of the other. The thumb that goes on top gives a clue about whether you are logical or intuitive, according to some researchers.


    The test relies on the theory that the two halves of the brain specialise in different ways of thinking. The left half of the brain tends to deal more with logic and language, while the right half processes emotion, vision and creativity. If the right thumb goes on top it suggests that you are a logical, rational ‘left-brainer’. In the same way, if the left thumb usually goes on top, you are more likely to be a creative, intuitive ‘right-brainer’.


    3. 手有发言权


    Hold out your right hand, keeping your fingers together. Compare the length of your index finger, with your ring finger, from the tip to the crease where it is attached to the hand. The relative size of your fingers is strongly linked to your exposure to the male sex hormone testosterone in the womb.


    Finger length sheds light on a host of personality traits. Most women’s index and ring fingers are almost equal in length. However, if their ring ringers are longer, they tend to be more assertive and are more likely to run successful businesses.


    4. 映射你的大脑

    ‘Do you think your “self” is located in your heart or your head?’ Mentally note your answer. The answer was linked to a host of revealing personality traits.”


    People who claimed that their ‘self’ was in their heart were more likely to rely on emotions and intuition when making decisions. Those who saw themselves as living in their heads, however, were more likely to value independence, did better at general knowledge tests and reacted less emotionally to stress.


    5. 打开心眼

    Stretch out both hands in front of you and bring them together to make a small gap. With both eyes open, look through the gap and concentrate on a distant object, such as a door knob. Now close your left eye. If the object remains in view, your right eye is dominant. If closing your right eye keeps it in view, your left eye is dominant.


    If you are left-eyed, your brain gives more weight to things you see with your left eye. It means that you should use your dominant eye when peering through a telescope, camera viewfinder or keyhole — it will feel much more natural and easier to see that way.


      上一篇:英文里的“坏人”,英文怎么说? 下一篇:十大搞笑英语句子,助你变身幽默达人!


