Switzerland:['swɪtsələnd] 瑞士
France:: [frɑːns] 法国
Sweden:['swidən] 瑞典
Germany: ['dʒɝməni] 德国
Europe: ['jʊrəp] 欧洲
World::[wɝld] 世界
China: [tʃaɪnə] 中国
Income inequality has been a hot-button issue globally in 2016, and with good reason. A new report confirms that the world’s rich do, indeed, keep getting richer.
According to researchers from Credit Suisse, the richest 1% owned 50.8% of the world’s wealth in 2016, up from 45.4% in 2009. Zoom out to the wealthiest 10% of the world’s adult population, and together they hold 89% of all global assets.
Some 73% of the world’s adults have less than $10,000 in wealth, and half the world’s adult population owns less than $2,222.
But there may be some hope for the least wealthy in the world, says Michael O’Sullivan, chief investment officer for Credit Suisse’s wealth management division. He notes that while the bottom 73% mostly live in places like Congo or Nigeria, some are actually increasing their wealth at a greater clip than in other parts of the world.
inequality:[,ɪnɪ'kwɑləti] n. 不平等;不同
zoom out:缩小
asset: ['æsɛt] n. 资产;优
investment: [ɪn'vɛstmənt] n. 投资;投入
division: [də'vɪʒən] n.除法;部门;分配
bottom: ['bɑtəm] n. 底部;末端
Congo: ['kɔŋɡəu] n. 刚果
Nigeria: [nai'dʒiəriə] n. 尼日利亚
Overall, the increase in wealth worldwide last year kept pace with population growth, growing by just 1.4% to $256 trillion. The United States and Japan fared better than most countries. The US saw its eighth successive year of rising wealth, boasting an average net wealth per household of $344,700. Of course, the concentration of extreme wealth in the US certainly helps the average: 41% of the world’s millionaires live in the US. Currencyappreciation boosted Japan’s wealth by 19% in 2016.
The biggest loser in 2016, by far, was the United Kingdom. When the British pound crashed in the wake of Brexit, the UK lost $1.5 trillion of its wealth. The net average wealth per household in the UK fell by $33,000 from the previous year. But the UK remains in the top three countries as ranked by average wealth per adult.
overall:[,ovə'rɔl] adj. 全部的 adv. 总的说来
keep pace:并驾齐驱 齐步并进
trillion: ['trɪljən] n. 万亿 adj. 万亿的
successive: [sək'sɛsɪv] adj. 连续的;继承的
boast: [bost] vt. 夸口说
concentration: ['kɑnsn'treʃən] n. 浓度;集中
appreciation:[ə,priʃɪ'eʃən] n. 欣赏;增值
Brexit:n. 英国退欧