In many words, IN- means the opposite or “not”:
inconsistent = NOT consistent 不一致的
insufficient = NOT sufficient 不足的
independent = NOT dependent 独立的,不依赖的
incorrect = NOT correct 错误的,不正确的
However, there are some exceptions that might be confusing
If something is valuable, it means it is worth a lot of money, or is very important. A gold necklace is valuable – it might cost $1,000.

You might imagine that invaluable means “not valuable” – but that’s not true! The word invaluable means extremely valuable; the value is so great that it is impossible to measure. A unique and famous painting like the Mona Lisa is invaluable.

You can also describe non-physical things as invaluable – for example, if someone gave you advice that drastically changed your life for the better, you could say that their advice was invaluable – it was SO valuable and SO important that it’s impossible to measure how much it was worth.
valuable / væljʊb(ə)l/ adj. 贵重的;有价值的;可估价的
invaluable /ɪn væljʊ(ə)b(ə)l/ adj. 无法估计的, 非常宝贵的
The adjective famous describes someone or something that a lot of people know about.

Does infamous mean the opposite, “not famous”? No! Infamous means being famous for a BAD reason. For example, a criminal who has robbed 10 big banks would be an infamous bank robber – a lot of people know about him, but it’s because of something negative, because of his bad behavior.

A person is infamous when they have a very bad reputation that is known by a lot of people. We can also use this word for things that are not people.
If there’s a city that has terrible traffic all the time, we can talk about the infamous traffic jams there – again, well-known for a bad reason.
famous / feɪməs/ adj. 著名的;[口]极好的,非常令人满意的
infamous / ɪnfəməs/ adj. 无耻的;声名狼藉的;邪恶的;不名誉的
Note that there’s a pronunciation difference as well:
FA-mous (“a” like in “name”, stress on “FA”)
IN-fa-mous (“a” sounds like “uh”, stress on “IN”)