pay your respects 1)拜访。2)(通常指参加葬礼)(向死者)表示敬意,告别。
solemn 庄严的,严肃的。如a solemn face/voice严肃的脸/声音。
dump 1) 垃圾场,垃圾堆。2) 凌乱的地方,令人厌恶的地方。3)专用仓库;(尤指)军需品存放处。4)(内存信息的)转存。
Friends and relatives came to pay their last respects to Mr Clarke.
I'm going to clean out the basement and take everything I don't want to the dump.
solemn 庄严的,严肃的。如a solemn face/voice严肃的脸/声音。
dump 1) 垃圾场,垃圾堆。2) 凌乱的地方,令人厌恶的地方。3)专用仓库;(尤指)军需品存放处。4)(内存信息的)转存。
Friends and relatives came to pay their last respects to Mr Clarke.
I'm going to clean out the basement and take everything I don't want to the dump.