2023年03月26日 VOA慢速英语:对于一些退休人员来说,现在还不是停止学习的时候
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    For Some Retirees, It’s Not Time to Stop Learning

    For those attending classes at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) in Washington, D.C., retirement is not a time to slow down. And it surely is not a time to stop learning.
    对于那些在华盛顿特区 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) 上课的人来说,退休不是放慢脚步的时候。现在肯定不是停止学习的时候。
    OLLI, which is on the grounds of American University (AU), offers classes especially for retirees. The institute has more than 90 classes each semester and has about 1,600 members, or students. It costs just $300 per semester or $550 for the spring and autumn semesters.
    OLLI 位于美国大学 (AU) 内,专门为退休人员提供课程。该研究所每学期有 90 多个班级,约有 1,600 名会员或学生。每学期只需 300 美元,春季和秋季学期只需 550 美元。
    OLLI offers its members classes in 10 different fields. The courses for this spring include the History of Slavery in America, the Ancient Mediterranean, Color Theory, Play Writing, and The Ups and Downs of Weather. Classes meet once a week for seven to 10 weeks.
    OLLI 为其会员提供 10 个不同领域的课程。今年春季的课程包括美国奴隶制历史、古代地中海、色彩理论、戏剧写作和天气的起伏。课程每周一次,持续 7 到 10 周。
    "I think the typical OLLI members … were the kids who were most excited about school," said Tony Long, OLLI's executive director. "They love education. They love learning. And these are people who, for the most part, retired at the height of their respective professions."
    “我认为典型的 OLLI 成员……是对上学最兴奋的孩子,”OLLI 的执行董事 Tony Long 说。 “他们热爱教育。他们热爱学习。这些人大多在各自职业的巅峰时期退休。”
    OLLI at AU is one of 125 Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes on college campuses nationwide. The programs started back in 2001 with financial support from businessman Bernard Osher's foundation. And in 2008, the Osher Foundation provided a $200,000 gift to create OLLI at AU.
    AU 的 OLLI 是全国大学校园内 125 个 Osher 终身学习机构之一。这些项目始于 2001 年,得到了商人 Bernard Osher 基金会的资助。 2008 年,Osher 基金会提供了 200,000 美元的礼物,用于在非盟创建 OLLI。
    OLLI at AU is considered to be the most demanding program in the country, Long said.
    Long 说,非盟的 OLLI 被认为是该国要求最高的项目。
    Much of it has to do with the OLLI membership in Washington, D.C. said Penny Hansen. She has taught a course at OLLI on the Supreme Court for several years. The nation's capital is known as a city with many knowledgeable people in law, politics, public policy and media.
    Penny Hansen 说,这在很大程度上与华盛顿特区的 OLLI 会员资格有关。她在最高法院的 OLLI 教授课程多年。这个国家的首都以拥有许多法律、政治、公共政策和媒体方面的知识渊博的人而闻名。
    "A lot of people retire in Washington and just stay here," Hansen said. "They really like it here because it's a stimulating environment here."
    “很多人在华盛顿退休,就留在这里,”汉森说。 “他们真的很喜欢这里,因为这里的环境令人兴奋。”
    Unlike some teachers at OLLI, Hansen had no official teaching experience before OLLI. She also does not have a law background. But she spent 30 years at the Environmental Protection Agency, helping carry out the agency's programs. Hansen said she became very interested in the Supreme Court after retiring, and after taking classes at OLLI for a few years, decided to teach one.
    与 OLLI 的一些老师不同,汉森在 OLLI 之前没有正式的教学经验。她也没有法律背景。但她在环境保护署工作了 30 年,帮助执行该机构的项目。汉森说,她退休后对最高法院很感兴趣,在 OLLI 上了几年课后,决定教一个。
    "I did not know… 80 percent of what I'm teaching now when I started out in OLLI," she said. "What I bring to this is the larger view of being… out in the world and understanding government and how people view and approach government."
    “当我刚开始在 OLLI 时,我不知道……我现在所教内容的 80%,”她说。 “我为此带来的是更大的视野……在世界上,了解政府以及人们如何看待和接近政府。”
    She said she prepares for her classes, which are largely about recent Supreme Court cases, by reading many books and reports. This semester, there are seven lawyers taking the class. The class is not designed for people with a strong legal background. But Hansen said it does not bother her that there may be people taking her class who know the subject better than she does.
    Kevin Mills is a recently retired business lawyer in Hansen's class. He said he had long been interested in issues of constitutional law, but "I didn't really have the time to focus on it as much as I do now." He added, "I can dig deeper now that I have more time."
    凯文·米尔斯 (Kevin Mills) 是汉森 (Hansen) 班上最近退休的商业律师。他说他长期以来一直对宪法问题感兴趣,但“我真的没有时间像现在这样专注于它。”他补充说,“现在我有更多时间,可以深入挖掘。”
    Long said that at OLLI, the relationship between student and teacher is more equal than at a traditional school.
    The idea is that "everybody who comes into the room has knowledge and experience," he said. "It's going to add to the classroom discussion. Throw that in with no grades or test, and it's a good combination for taking classes."
    他说,这个想法是“进入房间的每个人都有知识和经验”。 “这将增加课堂讨论。在没有成绩或测试的情况下加入,这是上课的好组合。”
    Sarah DeCarlo was taking the class on the Supreme Court for the second time. "My degree was in speech pathology, so I didn't get a chance to take a lot of these liberal arts courses," she said. At OLLI, she has taken classes on music, movies and history. "When do you get a chance to do that?" she asked.
    莎拉·德卡洛 (Sarah DeCarlo) 第二次在最高法院上课。 “我的学位是语言病理学,所以我没有机会参加很多这些文科课程,”她说。在 OLLI,她上过音乐、电影和历史课程。 “你什么时候有机会这样做?”她问。
    DeCarlo attended the class with her friend Marysue Flanagan, whom she recently persuaded to join.
    DeCarlo 和她的朋友 Marysue Flanagan 一起上了这门课,她最近说服了她加入。
    Flanagan said she had previously audited classes at a different university and greatly enjoyed the experience of being with younger college students. Auditing means attending a class but not for credit.
    But she said to take a class with the experience of someone like Hansen, "and with your contemporaries is just a totally different dynamic."
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