Yesterday, on the National Day of Prayer, President Trump signed a new executive order. It's named Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty. The president says, under his administration, free speech does not end at the steps of a cathedral, a synagogue, or any other house of worship.
昨天是美国国家祷告日,特朗普总统签署了一项新的行政命令。这项行政命令名为“促进言论自由和宗教自由”。 特朗普总统表示,在他的管理下,言论自由不会在任何天主教堂、犹太教堂或其他礼拜堂的台阶上结束。
And what his executive order could do is give churches and other religious organizations more flexibility to endorse or oppose political candidates.
That's been banned by a law called the Johnson Amendment since 1954, but it hasn't been enforced that much.
Another part of the executive order could allow businesses to avoid providing certain health services to their employees, if the companies object to doing it for religious reasons.
We will not allow people of faith to be targeted, bullied, or silenced anymore.
And we will never ever stand for religious discrimination, never ever.
Some religious leaders who oppose the order say political endorsements shouldn't be made from the pulpit. They say it could turn religious groups into political organizations.
And the American Civil Liberties Union plans to sue the Trump administration. It says the executive order would allow companies to use religion to discriminate.
Yesterday, on the National Day of Prayer, President Trump signed a new executive order. It's named Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty. The president says, under his administration, free speech does not end at the steps of a cathedral, a synagogue, or any other house of worship.
And what his executive order could do is give churches and other religious organizations more flexibility to endorse or oppose political candidates.
That's been banned by a law called the Johnson Amendment since 1954, but it hasn't been enforced that much.
Another part of the executive order could allow businesses to avoid providing certain health services to their employees, if the companies object to doing it for religious reasons.
We will not allow people of faith to be targeted, bullied, or silenced anymore.
And we will never ever stand for religious discrimination, never ever.
Some religious leaders who oppose the order say political endorsements shouldn't be made from the pulpit. They say it could turn religious groups into political organizations.
And the American Civil Liberties Union plans to sue the Trump administration. It says the executive order would allow companies to use religion to discriminate.