A University of Virginia student, an accounting teacher, a Pyongyang university employee and a businessman, they have a couple of things in common — they're all American citizens and they're all currently imprisoned in North Korea. A Canadian pastor has also been detained in the country.
North Korea calls these people criminals and says they've received due process, fair legal treatment under North Korean law. But a former U.S. ambassador to China says North Korea is holding the Americans to use them as bargaining chips with the U.S.
The communist country says two of the detained Americans committed hostile acts against North Korea. We don't know exactly what that means.
The State Department says the Asian country's legal system passes harsh sentences for actions that wouldn't be considered crimes in the U.S.
Things like taking unauthorized pictures, shopping at stores where foreigners aren’t allowed or for religious activities.
A University of Virginia student, an accounting teacher, a Pyongyang university employee and a businessman, they have a couple of things in common — they're all American citizens and they're all currently imprisoned in North Korea. A Canadian pastor has also been detained in the country.
North Korea calls these people criminals and says they've received due process, fair legal treatment under North Korean law. But a former U.S. ambassador to China says North Korea is holding the Americans to use them as bargaining chips with the U.S.
The communist country says two of the two detained Americans committed hostile acts against North Korea. We don't know exactly what that means.
The State Department says the Asian country's legal system passes harsh sentences for actions that wouldn't be considered crimes in the U.S.
Things like taking unauthorized pictures, shopping at stores where foreigners around allowed or for religious activities.