The North Pacific gyre is our next stop. It`s a giant clockwise rotating current between Asia and North America, and it`s home to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This has been characterized as an ocean of plastic. It`s the largest accumulation of garbage in the sea. People are responsible for causing it and some are taking on the responsibility of trying to clean it up.
In the middle of the North Pacific Ocean, the nearest coastline more than a thousand miles away, the evidence of human activity is visible from every angle. This is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a swirling sop of manmade litter. And the solution to cleaning it up is the brainchild of 22-year-old Dutch inventor Boyan Slat.
Right now, trillions of pieces of plastic have accumulated in this large offshore garbage patches, damages ecosystems and economic problem as well, about $13 billion per year of damage. These pieces of plastic, they attract chemicals and those chemicals then get transported into the food chain through the plastic, which also includes as humans.
I do think the major challenge humankind face in this century is in the avenue sustainability.
Four years ago, at just 19 years old, Slat founded the Ocean Cleanup.
四年前, Slat才19岁,那时他就创建了“海洋清理”项目。
We need to clean up what`s already out there. It doesn`t go away by itself.
Single use items are particular issue. Although recycling has become more popular and accessible in recent years, only 14 percent of global plastic packaging is collected for recycling, according to the World`s Economic Forum.
In May 2017, Slat and a team of 65 scientists and engineers unveiled their latest project, this floating barriers sits in the water, trapping plastic while water flows beneath.
Instead of going after the plastic, we let the plastic come to us, that we could then take it out of the water and bring it to land for recycling.
These lessons were learned after the first model spent two months in the North Sea back in 2016, with rather mixed results.
At the Dutch organization`s headquarters, oceanographer Julia Reisser leads the research into what kinds of items find their way into our seas.
What we have here is a collection of different types of plastic. They are mostly fragments coming out of the breakdown of plastics, like single use plastic like plastic lids and bottles, as well as fishing gear that`s lost or discarded at sea.
Experts are predicting that in a few decades, we might have more plastic than fish in our oceans. In some areas of the ocean, that`s already the case. For instance, on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, when we put out our trawls into the water, we got more plastic than fish.
Plastic breaks down into tiny particles, like this called microplastics.
Fish, birds and other sea life mistake them for food. Those animals are then eaten by humans and the effect on our food chain is not really clear.
Boyan Slat and the Ocean Cleanup believe that their innovations can clean up to half the Great Pacific Garbage Patch within five years, plus twice as quick as their previous estimates.
And thanks to this improvement, we will also be able to start the cleanup within 12 months, instead of waiting for 2020.
Bold claims from the young entrepreneur, but it is a welcome thought for the 3 billion people that WWF say rely on fish, as well as seafood as their main source of protein.
The North Pacific gyre is our next stop. It`s a giant clockwise rotating current between Asia and North America, and it`s home to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This has been characterized as an ocean of plastic. It`s the largest accumulation of garbage in the sea. People are responsible for causing it and some are taking on the responsibility of trying to clean it up.、
In the middle of the North Pacific Ocean, the nearest coastline more than a thousand miles away, the evidence of human activity is visible from every angle. This is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a swirling sop of manmade litter. And the solution to cleaning it up is the brainchild of 22-year-old Dutch inventor Boyan Slat.
Right now, trillions of pieces of plastic have accumulated in this large offshore garbage patches, damages ecosystems and economic problem as well, about $13 billion per year of damage. These pieces of plastic, they attract chemicals and those chemicals then get transported into the food chain through the plastic, which also includes as humans.
I do think the major challenge humankind face in this century is in the avenue sustainability.
Four years ago, at just 19 years old, Slat founded the Ocean Cleanup.
We need to clean up what`s already out there. It doesn`t go away by itself.
Single use items are particular issue. Although recycling has become more popular and accessible in recent years, only 14 percent of global plastic packaging is collected for recycling, according to the World`s Economic Forum.
In May 2017, Slat and a team of 65 scientists and engineers unveiled their latest project, this floating barriers sits in the water, trapping plastic while water flows beneath.
Instead of going after the plastic, we let the plastic come to us, that we could then take it out of the water and bring it to land for recycling.
These lessons were learned after the first model spent two months in the North Sea back in 2016, with rather mixed results.
The major innovation that we`re preventing today is that instead of fixing this cleanup systems to the seabed, which is pretty hard and expensive because it`s 4.5 kilometers deep, we actually let them drift. And because we want them to rotate sort of in the direction the current is coming from, they have to be smaller. Instead of having one massive structure, one hundred kilometers in length, we actually now have many smaller systems, about 50 units of maybe about one to two kilometers in length.
At the Dutch organization`s headquarters, oceanographer Julia Reisser leads the research into what kinds of items find their way into our seas.
What we have here is a collection of different types of plastic. They are mostly fragments coming out of the breakdown of plastics, like single use plastic like plastic lids and bottles, as well as fishing gear that`s lost or discarded at sea.
Experts are predicting that in a few decades, we might have more plastic than fish in our oceans. In some areas of the ocean, that`s already the case. For instance, on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, when we put out our trawls into the water, we got more plastic that fish.
Plastic breaks down into tiny particles, like this called microplastics.
Fish, birds and other sea life mistake them for food. Those animals are then eaten by humans and the effect on our food chain is not really clear.
We must diffuse this ticking time bomb.
Boyan Slat and the Ocean Cleanup believe that their innovations can clean up to half the Great Pacific Garbage Patch within five years, plus twice as quick as their previous estimates.
And thanks to this improvement, we will also be able to start the cleanup within 12 months, instead of waiting for 2020.
Bold claims from the young entrepreneur, but it is a welcome thought for the 3 billion people that WWF say rely on fish, as well as seafood as their main source of protein.