Despite the existence of Stanford, Preston, Princeton, MIT, and other outstanding universities in the United States,Harvard and Yale are perhaps the most recognized universities in China. They are like Oxford University and Cambridge University in England.
虽然美国还有斯坦福、普林斯顿、MIT等名校,但中国人最认可的大学可能还是 哈佛和耶鲁,正如英国的牛津和剑桥一般。
As the two oldest universities in the United States, Harvard and Yale have developed complex feelings about each other during the past 300 years. They see the other as a rival and a motivator at the same time. Each year, either Harvard people or Yale people can’t help but pay close attention to the following information: Which university ranks first in the annual National Universities Rankings, Harvard or Yale? Which university wins The Game this year, Harvard or Yale? Among the students who are accepted by both Harvard and Yale, what’s the proportion of students preferring Harvard to those preferring Yale?
作为美国最古老的两所大学,经过300年的发展,哈佛和耶鲁对彼此产生了一种 复杂的情感,既把对方看作是竞争对手,同时又看作是自己的发展动力。每年无论是 哈佛人还是耶鲁人都会不由自主地关注以下信息:一年一度的全美高校排行榜上谁是 第一,哈佛还是耶鲁?谁赢得了今年的橄榄球比赛,哈佛还是耶鲁?同时被两校录取 的学生,选择两校的比例如何?
Even so, Harvard and Yale have kept their own features which make them different from each other. Harvard is more popular while Yale is more elitist. For example, the Chinese undergraduates enrolled by Harvard are less than those enrolled by Yale. The number of Chinese post-doctors in the two universities, however, is about the same. The reason lies in that Yale stays focused on academy while Harvard gives weight to pluralism. Most Yale alumni are academic big fishes Harvard alumni, on the other hand, excel in both academy and politics, business, arts, and many other fields. In this sense, Harvard has a wider influence.
即便如此,哈佛和耶鲁都有彼此不同的特色。哈佛更流行,而耶鲁更精英。比如, 哈佛吸收的中国本科生要比耶鲁的少,但两校的 中国博士后的数量是差不多的。原因是耶鲁更注 重学术,而哈佛更重视多元化。耶鲁多学术牛人,哈佛则在政界、商界、艺术界等各界都有牛人。在这个意义上哈佛的影响力更全面。
Yale people are more noble than Harvard people. Speaking of making money, people tend to think of Harvard Business School. The same is true of Harvard Kennedy School respecting to politics. Therefore, it seems that Harvard is a shortcut to secular success. Compared with Harvard people, Yale people stress elegance and nobility. They tend to form a circle which can hold its members together. Skull and Bones in which Bush Jr. joined is just one example.
比起哈佛人,耶鲁人更有贵族气。说到挣钱,人们很容易想起来哈佛商学院,要说搞政治也同样很容易想起来哈佛肯尼迪学院,所 以哈佛好像是世俗成功的捷径。与哈佛相比,耶鲁人则讲究气质和高贵,他们往往容 易形成一个圈子,保持成员的团结性。小布什加入的骷髅会只是一例而已。
Compared with Yale which is like a kingdom, Harvard is more of a sheikhdom. Yale has a strict hierarchy, with the president at the top. In contrast, Harvard’s president is more of an exalted symbol. It is the Dean of the College and graduate schools who call the shots. In addition, Harvard professors enjoy a comparatively higher status than their Yale counterparts.
耶鲁像一个王国,相比之下,哈佛则更像一个酋长国。耶鲁有严格的等级制度, 唯校长马首是瞻;相反,哈佛的校长更像个崇高的符号,哈佛学院和其他研究生院的 院长才是发号施令的中心。除此之外,哈佛教授也比耶鲁教授享有更高的地位。