记者:在很多工人面临下岗、公司面临低利润的困境下,为什么通用汽车还要继续投资诸如雪佛兰Volt (电车)或者是其他高级汽车的发展项目呢?你们将会继续这样做下去吗?
Wagoner: Taking your second question first. Yes, we certainly will continue it and the reason we’re doing it is because-certainly we have to make some adjustments given current weak market conditions—but we’re focused on the future and convinced that we’re in a period of change in the auto industry. Things like battery development and applying batteries to cars, as we’re planning on doing with the Volt, is important for the next 100 years of the auto industry.
瓦格纳:我首先回答第二个问题:是的,我们当然会继续做下去,这样做的原因是因为……当然,考虑到现如今疲软的市场 环境,我们会作适当的调整,但是我们这是着眼未来并且相信,我们现在正处于汽 车工业的一个改革阶段。我们现在正在对雪佛兰Volt所做的,包括电池的发展以及将电池应用到汽车上的事情,对于未来 100年的汽车工业的发展是很重要的。
Reporter: You say 100 years. Is it sooner than that Are you looking too far ahead maybe
Wagoner: Well, hopefully we’ll begin to build these in about two years, maybe a little more than two years. I guess what I’m trying to say is that we had about 100 years of an auto industry in which 98 percent of the energy to power the vehicles has come from oil. We’re really going to change that over the next time period. Very different I think from a paradigm we’ve all grown up with.
Reporter: You are of course still making gasoline powered cars. Will they continue into the long-range future or is the era over
Wagoner: Well, my crystal ball is not that clear, but I suspect for a long time we’ll continue to offer gasoline powered vehicles. If we want to move away from the heavy reliance on oil, we're going to have to begin to introduce these new technologies. You know the rate at which they grow—I mean, I hope they grow fast because I see the demand for oil growing quite strong because of the developments in placing like China and India —so I think it’s in all of our interests to promote the development of these industries. But I guess we’re going to have to see can we get them to market Can we get them to be cost efficient Can we meet the consumer expectations And if we can, I think they will grow pretty rapidly
Reporter: If you’re a betting man—and you probably are - would you bet on hydrogen fuel cells; would you bet on electricity; would you bet on a plug-in hybrid What do you think
记者:如果您是一个喜欢打赌的人,可能您本身就是,那您是愿意将赌注压在氢燃料电池、电力或是插件程序上吗? 您是怎样认为的呢?
Wagoner: Well, at this point we’re betting on all three because we think different technologies might work best in different conditions. Urban conditions, suburban, whatever. And at this point our crystal balls aren’t clear enough to tell us for sure which technologies will work. And frankly, a lot of the things we learn about creating electrically driven vehicles, driven by a battery, you also need to know that to apply to a fuel cell powered vehicle - a lot of the electronics. So a lot of the learning we,re doing really applies to all those kinds of vehicles. So we think today it’s a good use of our money to work hard on all three of those.