Hurd: I agree at a macro level, very generalized without any specifics, I agree with that view, that we have too few people out in the marketplace with a Hewlett—Packard badge creating demand for HP products. And we’re going to go fix that. So we’re investing in sales people today. That said, I don’t want that message to be perceived that we,re trying to eliminate the channel as we put people out there. That’s not the message at all. We,re trying to create more demand for HP. And as I explain in individual partner meetings, I get partners who say, This is great! But sometimes it’s interpreted as we’re trying to come be in conflict with our partners. That’s not the case. If we’re in conflict with a partner, it'll be a different issue from this.
Reporter: So are there some markets where it makes more sense to go direct for you than it does through an indirect model?
Hurd: I don’t know that I would define it as markets. I think it’s better if we define it a bit more from the perspective of customer. Clearly in SMB, you’re going to see us very, very reliant on the channel.
Reporter: What do you mean when you say SMB? Because everybody has got a different explanation.
Hurd: We're going to be almost exclusively channel-oriented through that market. I mean, if a customer said, you’ve absolutely got to do this direct or they’re going to go to HP.com or something, that’s fine. We want to put multiple distribution methods so the customer can choose. We’re not going to dictate in entirety how they do it. But our predominant view is going to be to leverage the channel.
Reporter: Talk a little bit about compensation This new channel program to me is really a compensation program ultimately. And compensation drives behavior. It drives behavior with a direct sales force; it drives behavior with an indirect sales force. And this is pretty innovative from what I see.