Reporter: Some have said—many have said, and I think Bemanke has even mentioned this, not necessarily with respect to Citi—I don’t remember—some institutions are too big to fail. Clearly, as the world’s largest financial institution at one time, you were too big to fail. Is Citi too big to manage?
Vikram Pandit: You know, Charlie, the answer is no. It’s not too big to manage. Let’s talk a little bit about Citi. I mean, you are bringing up a question about Citi. What is unique about Citi? What is unique about Citi is that we’re in 109 institutions around the world. Which means we bring the world to our clients and we bring our clients to the world. We're helping the world globalize. It’s a very unique place to be, and probably exactly the place to be, given what’s happening around the world, globalization, trade flows, capital flows. With those 109 countries come the requirement to operate the company in exactly the right way. And what we’ve been doing and I’ve been doing over the last 11 months is saying, OK, that’s what we,re good at. We’re good at bringing the world to our clients and our clients to the world. And then you get back to saying that when I help my clients, I help them save...
潘迪特:查理,你知道答案是“不”,它并不会因为大而难管理。让我们来谈论一下关于花旗的情况。我的意思是,你提出了一个有关花旗的问题。花旗究竟有什么独特之处呢?我们的独特之处就在于在全世界拥有109个分公司,也就是说,我们的客户来自于全世界,我们也将客户带向全世界。我们在帮助世界实现全球化,考虑到现在世界上所发生的事情:全球化、贸易往来、资金流通等,我们的确是有独特之处的。在那 109个国家中,人们要求公司能够以一种非常准确的方式运行,而那就是我们在过去的11个月的时间里所作的事情,我们对此很擅长。我们擅长于将我们的客户带向全世界,也擅长于从全世界发掘我们的客户。然后你可以说,当我们帮助客户的时候,我们帮助他们节省了……
Reporter: OK, but you are saying it’s not too big. Certain assets we had that we shouldn’t necessarily have had, whether it's insurance or whatever it might have been, but we’re going to clean it up. But the idea of being too big to manage is not an idea that you accept. Is that right? What’s your opinion about it?
Vikram Pandit: It’s definitely not a company that’s too big to manage. It’s a company that is being refocused on its uniqueness. A company where we're slimming down, we’re simplifying, we’re getting it more efficient, and going back to our core purpose. And our core purpose is to be a bank. What does a bank do?
Reporter: It loans money.
Vikram Pandit: It helps people save. It loans money to people that need it.
Reporter: And gives them a place for their deposits.