It was a very kindhearted deed, but not something that would be reported in the news Karine Gombeau, a French tourist visiting New York City, saw a homeless man looking through a garbage container. She had just left a restaurant and was carrying some leftover pizza in a bag. Gombeau decided to offer the poor man the food. When she handed the bag to the homeless man, he asked her what was in the bag. She told him it was food and apologized for it being cold. The man accepted the food and said, “Thank you so much and God bless you!”
Gombeau did not think too much about the encounter until two days later, when she saw her photo in the newspaper with the homeless man. The homeless man it turns out, was the actor, Richard Gere. Gere was on the set of his upcoming movie, ‘Time Out of Mind’ playing a homeless man. The whole time Gombeau had no idea she had wandered into the movie set.
After the incident Gombeau talked about her encounter with reporters. “It was magical… It’s unimaginable that something like this could happen.”
She also said it broke her heart to see all of the homeless people in New York. “It leaves me really sad to know we waste food and they have nothing,” she said.