2013 is the the year of the comet. The comet PanStarrs will be coming in a few weeks and with a bit of luck we will be able to see it with the naked eye. At the end of the year there is much expectation for the comet named ISON which could turn out to be the greatest comet in a century. But 2014 could be an even bigger show. That’s when the comet C/2013 A1 will make its appearance and the best view will be from Mars.
According to NASA the comet discovered earlier this year should pass at a distance of less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) kilometers from our neighboring planet. NASA scientists say the large comet could even collide with the red planet in October of 2014. The chance is not high—roughly 1 in 2000. But if the comet at 50 kilometers in diameter hit Mars it would leave a 500-hundred kilometer crater.
Such a comet striking earth would be a global disaster, but on Mars it makes an interesting science experiment. Scientists will know one way or the other in a few months We'll keep you posted.