Alec Russell
Editor of FT Weekend
In the aftermath of the 1989 revolution I interviewed many of the great musicians and actors in Romania—and had precious little sympathy for the compromises they had had to make under the tyrant Ceausescu.I stand corrected if not abashed after reading Julian Barnes' haunting novel on the agonies of Shostakovich under Stalin and his successors.The Noise of Time (Jonathan Cape/Knopf) takes on the millennia-old tension between art and power.
I recommended it to a friend who for years was one of the great reviewers at the Washington Post.His reply: “It's an extraordinary book.It's a book that makes me wish I were reviewing again.”
Alec Russell
Editor of FT Weekend
In the aftermath of the 1989 revolution I interviewed many of the great musicians and actors in Romania—and had precious little sympathy for the compromises they had had to make under the tyrant Ceausescu.I stand corrected if not abashed after reading Julian Barnes' haunting novel on the agonies of Shostakovich under Stalin and his successors.The Noise of Time (Jonathan Cape/Knopf) takes on the millennia-old tension between art and power.
I recommended it to a friend who for years was one of the great reviewers at the Washington Post.His reply: “It's an extraordinary book.It's a book that makes me wish I were reviewing again.”