Merchant: Well hi there. What are you looking for today?
Customer: Uh, I'm just looking.
Merchant: Well, how about a ring for someone special?
Customer: There IS no one special.
Merchant: Well, take a look at this CD player. A great bargain today only.
Customer: Nah. I already have one, plus the handle is cracked.
Merchant: Okay. Well what about this genuine leather jacket? It would look great on you.
Customer: Hum. Let me take a look at it.
Merchant: Sure.
Customer: Umm. There are stains on the sleeves. I'll pass.
Merchant: Well okay. Well, wouldn't you like to walk home with some of these great records? Some of the best hits from the 1960's.
Customer: Yeah, let's see. [Yeah] Now here's something I'd . . . Ah, these records are scratched.
Merchant: [Laughter] Just in a couple places. Listen. I'll sell you these ten records for fifty dollars. A steal!
Customer: Whoa! They're way too expensive. I'll give you twenty-five bucks for them.
Merchant: Ah, come on. I can't charge you less than thirty dollars and break even.
Customer: Well, that guy over there is selling similar records for a much better price [Ah!], so thanks anyway.
Merchant: Wait, wait, wait, wait. You drive a hard bargain. Twenty-eight dollars, and that's my final offer.
Customer: Huh . . . I'll think about it.
Merchant: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Listen. I'll even throw in this vase.
Customer: Now what am I going to do with a vase?
Merchant: Well, you can give it to that someone special when you find her. . . and this ring would look great with it.
Customer: Oh, I'll stick with the records.
1. Why did the man not buy the ring for sale?
A. He doesn't think it is very special.
B. Someone else bought it before him.
C. He has no need for a ring.
D. The ring is too small.
2. What is the problem with the CD player?
A. The buttons are scratched.
B. The CD casing is chipped.
C. The handle is damaged.
D. The display is loose.
3. The man is not interested in the leather jacket because:
A. it is stained.
B. he already has one.
C. its too expensive.
D. the seams are coming undone.
4. What is the customer's initial counter offer for the records?
A. $25
B. $28
C. $30
D. $35
5. From the conversation, what does the customer probably purchase from the merchant in the end?
A. only records
B. only a vase
C. some records and a vase
D. nothing
1. He has no need for a ring.
2. The handle is damaged.
3. it is stained.
4. $25
5. only records