There`s been a major change in the southern African nation of Zimbabwe. Its former president, Robert Mugabe, resigned last week. He`d been in power since 1980, and held on as president despite instituting policies that ruined the nation`s economy. Extended corruption, mismanagement of industries, food shortages -- they`re all part of Zimbabwe`s struggles.
But after President Mugabe fired his vice president earlier this month, other officials were afraid he was paving the way for his wife, Grace Mugabe, to take over. She`s also a controversial figure in Zimbabwe.
The military then took control of the nation`s capital and though it denied there was a coup, President Mugabe eventually resigned. His former vice president, Emmerson Mnangagwa, returned last week and took over as Zimbabwe`s interim leader.
军方随后控制了该国首都,尽管否认政变,但穆加贝总统最终还是辞职。前副总统Emmerson Mnangagwa上周返回,并担任津巴布韦临时领导人。
Mnangagwa made it clear he was part of the operation to unseat Mugabe. But he praised Mugabe in the speech, calling him a father, a mentor and a leader and urging Zimbabweans to let bygones be bygones.
New president, Mnangagwa, promised to protect Zimbabweans` rights and the push for solutions to the nation`s problems. But partly because he`s a long time ally of Mugabe, some of Mnangagwa`s critics doubt that he`ll be much different than his predecessors. Still, on the streets of the capital, there are signs of optimism.
There`s been a major change in the southern African nation of Zimbabwe. Its former president, Robert Mugabe, resigned last week. He`d been in power since 1980, and held on as president despite instituting policies that ruined the nation`s economy. Extended corruption, mismanagement of industries, food shortages -- they`re all part of Zimbabwe`s struggles.
But after President Mugabe fired his vice president earlier this month, other officials were afraid he was paving the way for his wife, Grace Mugabe, to take over. She`s also a controversial figure in Zimbabwe.
The military then took control of the nation`s capital and though it denied there was a coup, President Mugabe eventually resigned. His former vice president, Emmerson Mnangagwa, returned last week and took over as Zimbabwe`s interim leader.
Mnangagwa made it clear he was part of the operation to unseat Mugabe. But he praised Mugabe in the speech, calling him a father, a mentor and a leader and urging Zimbabweans to let bygones be bygones.
New president, Mnangagwa, promised to protect Zimbabweans` rights and the push for solutions to the nation`s problems. But partly because he`s a long time ally of Mugabe, some of Mnangagwa`s critics doubt that he`ll be much different than his predecessors. Still, on the streets of the capital, there are signs of optimism.