In terms of volume, which of these space objects is believed to be the smallest?
Aldebaran, mercury, the moon, or a neutron star?
Though their mass is incredibly dense, neutron stars are estimated to measure only around 12 miles in diameter.
AZUZ: Scientists worldwide are excited over a recent discovery that was just announced on Monday. It took place in a galaxy not far, far away.
It’s illustrated in this animation.
Researchers say it involved two neutron stars, relatively small stars, with diameters that might be the size of a city, but they’re believed to be incredibly dense, with masses that are bigger than that of our sun.
What astronomers saw was a bright blue burst, believed to be when the two stars that faded to a deep red color. And though the observation was made on August 17th, researches say the collision actually happened 130 million years ago, that it took that long for the event’s light and gravitational waves to reach Earth.
So, why all the excitement? Well, this isn’t seen often. Collisions like this are calculated to occur less than a hundred times every million years.
So, scientists say it’s the discovery of a lifetime and that it’s created new theories and mysteries about the universe.
In terms of volume, which of these space objects is believed to be the smallest?
Aldebaran, mercury, the moon, or a neutron star?
Though their mass is incredibly dense, neutron stars are estimated to measure only around 12 miles in diameter.
AZUZ: Scientists worldwide are excited over a recent discovery that was just announced on Monday. It took place in a galaxy not far, far away.
It’s illustrated in this animation.
Researchers say it involved two neutron stars, relatively small stars, with diameters that might be the size of a city, but they’re believed to be incredibly dense, with masses that are bigger than that of our sun.
What astronomers saw was a bright blue burst, believed to be when the two stars that faded to a deep red color. And though the observation was made on August 17th, researches say the collision actually happened 130 million years ago, that it took that long for the event’s light and gravitational waves to reach Earth.
So, why all the excitement? Well, this isn’t seen often. Collisions like this are calculated to occur less than a hundred times every million years.
So, scientists say it’s the discovery of a lifetime and that it’s created new theories and mysteries about the universe.