B: Hello,I called earlier regarding interest rates on loans. Sorry, I just have a couple more questions.
A: I'm here to help. Tell me your questions and I'll do my best to answer them.
B: What if I require a loan for a short period of time?
A: What repayment period were you thinking of?
B: Say,6 months? Or less in fact. I want to repay the loan ASAP;I don't like debt hanging over my head.
A: A wise decision. If you decide to take out a short-term loan with us,say for 6 months or less, the interest rate shall be for that of a 6-month loan.
B: What if I repay it early. Any perks?
A: Well, we could adjust the interest rate based on the original rate and the amount of days you actually borrowed the money for.
B: So, the quicker I pay it back, the more I can save in interest? That's excellent. Thanks so much for your information. I'll come in shortly to take the relevant steps for the loan.
A: It's our pleasure. We are always happy to have another satisfied customer. Thanks for calling. Goodbye.
这是我应该做的。我们非常高兴又多了一个满意的客户。谢谢来电。 再见。