22 A FLying Fox一个狐蝠
A flying fox is not a fox at all.一个飞行狐狸不是一只狐狸在所有。
It is a bat. But this bat looks like a fox.它是一只蝙蝠。但这蝙蝠看起来像一只狐狸。
A flying fox is very big. It likes to eat fruit.一个狐蝠是非常大的。它喜欢吃水果。
Sometimes the flying fox is called the "fruit bat. "有时被称为“狐蝠果蝠。“
The flying fox flies into fruit trees.飞行狐狸飞进了果树。
Then the bat eats all the fruit.然后蝙蝠吃所有的水果。
So fruit farmers do not like the flying fox.所以水果农民不喜欢飞行的狐狸。
fly/ flai/v.飞翔
bat n.蝙蝠