生活大爆炸 第五季:第10集 Amy上位成Sheldon正牌女友(下)
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    Wild Bill Witchcock.

    A tribe of Abra Comanches.
    阿布拉 科曼切部落
    Flaming Spittoon.
    And for the record, I'm very disappointed in you cowpokes.
    强调一下 我对你们这些牛仔很失望
    We're playing our inaugural round of Wild West and Witches , and I'm the only one who bothered to dress for the occasion.
    这是咱们第一次玩狂野西部女巫 居然只有我一个人 费尽苦心地穿了应景的服装
    We're not wearing cowboy hats, Sheldon. It looks ridiculous.
    我们才不要戴牛仔帽呢 谢尔顿 看起来好白痴
    And I suppose my boots and spurs are ridiculous, too?
    Yeah. Very. Incredibly so.
    是的 非常白痴 超级白痴
    Did it look ridiculous when we got the Satanimals pack and I dressed up as a Beelzebobcat?
    那咱们上次玩撒旦动物时 我装扮成恶魔猫也很白痴吗
    Yeah. Very. Incredibly so.
    是的 非常白痴 超级白痴
    All right, fine. Let's just play.
    好吧 算了 咱就纯玩吧
    We should go easy on him.Amy's out with Stuart tonight.
    咱们今天晚上就饶了他吧 艾米今晚跟斯图尔特出去了
    Wait a minute.
    Are you telling me that Sheldon's patented blend of condescension and no sex isn't enough to hold on to a woman?
    你是说谢尔顿的不可一世 和无性交往的专利 留不住一个女人吗
    Cluck, cluck, cluck. What are we, ladies at a quilting bee?
    傻笑 傻笑 傻笑 咱是聚在一起缝棉被的家庭妇女吗
    Or are we men playing a fantasy card game set in a magical frontier town?
    还是正在玩一个背景设在魔幻边境的 魔幻桌游的一群男人
    Sorry. Creepy Tepee.
    抱歉 诡异帐篷
    Annie Ogly.
    Hocus Pocus Pocahontas.And may I point out it is the three of you who are obsessed with Stuart and Amy, not me. I think you need to ask yourselves who's really being ridiculous here.
    容我说一句 你们仨 真是皇帝不急 太监急 你们才该扪心自问一下 究竟谁才是白痴
    It's you. You are. Totally you.
    你 是你 绝对是你
    Hey, guys, check it out.The deluxe limited edition Wild West and Witches expansion pack in the signed and numbered collector's tin.
    伙计们 看呀 这是装在金属盒里 附上签名的 豪华限量版的狂野西部女巫
    Come on, no! We just bought the regular pack.
    不是吧 我们刚买了平装版
    Ooh, a sheriff's badge.
    Yeah, it's also a wand.
    没错 还是根魔杖
    With a hologram? Nice!
    还有全息图呢 真漂亮
    Hey, do you see this?
    I'm in the matrix, Leonard; I see everything.
    我在矩阵里 莱纳德 我什么都看得见
    You got to be kidding me. You friended Stuart on Facebook?
    你搞什么 你在Facebook加了斯图尔特为好友
    I thought you didn't like Facebook anymore.
    Don't be silly. I'm a fan of anything that tries to replace actual human contact.
    别傻了 我喜欢一切试图取代 人类面对面接触的东西
    Please. You're looking at Facebook to find out how their date went.
    拜托 你上Facebook就为看他们约会得如何
    Really? You think I care if a man, what,shared a pumpkin latte with a dynamite lady?
    真的吗 我觉得我会关心一个大男人 跟一位绝世美女分享一杯南瓜拿铁吗
    You're so full of it.
    You are free to believe whatever you like.
    And unfriend Rajesh Koothrappali.
    You unfriended me? Seriously?
    你取消了和我的好友关系 真的吗
    Oh, yeah. Now he's gonna miss all those great updates like, I can't believe I waited this long to make my own potpourri
    这下坏了 他这下就要错过你的精彩更新了 像是 我真不敢相信我居然等了这么久 才整理出我的个人文集“
    Sheldon, why don't you just acknowledge that you have feelings for Amy and you don't want her going out with other men?
    谢尔顿 你何不直接承认 你喜欢艾米 而且你不想她跟其他男人约会呢
    And unfriend Leonard Hofstadter.
    Here's a radical thought.Go old school, challenge Stuart to a fight. I mean, nothing makes the ladies hotter than two skinny white guys swatting at each other with their eyes closed.
    我有个激进点的主意 你干脆采取老一套 跟斯图尔特决斗吧 没有什么能比两个瘦骨嶙峋的白人男子闭着眼猛敲对方 更能让一个女人热血沸腾的了
    And unfriend Howard Wolowitz.
    That's all of us. Can I use the laptop?
    咱们都被删了 电脑借我用一下吧
    I have to buy that stupid collector's tin.
    Who do we love? Penny.
    我们大家都爱谁 佩妮
    Who do we love? Penny.
    我们大家都爱谁 佩妮
    Who do we love? Penny.
    我们大家都爱谁 佩妮
    Hello, Sheldon.Come on in.
    你好呀 谢尔顿 进来吧
    Thank you.
    What's up?
    I came to ask if you would like to go on a date with me.
    我是来问你 愿不愿意跟我约会的
    I'm sorry, what?
    抱歉 你说什么
    A date.You and me.Dining, dancing,perhaps you'd like to take in a prizefight.
    约会 你跟我 共进晚餐 跳舞 没准你会有兴趣参加个职业拳击赛什么的
    God, are you trying to make Amy jealous?
    天啊 你是想让艾米吃醋吗
    No. Why is everyone so obsessed with Amy and Stuart?
    不是 为何大家这么关心艾米和斯图尔特呢
    Whether or not they may be having more pumpkin lattes or intercourse tonight.
    讨论他们今晚是否会继续喝南瓜拿铁 或今晚是否会发生关系
    Okay, listen to me. Playing games is not gonna help get Amy back.
    好吧 听我说 耍把戏是不会帮你把艾米抢回来的
    I am not trying to get her back.
    But, out of curiosity, what is a way?
    不过 纯属好奇 怎么才能把她抢回来呢
    All right, honey, let me tell you a story.
    好吧 亲爱的 我给你讲个故事吧
    There was a guy I liked, and I never told him how I felt.Eventually, he started going out with someone else,and I always regretted it.
    我喜欢过一个男人 但从未对他表白过 最终他开始跟别人约会 于是我一直很后悔
    Do you see where I'm going with this?
    I believe I do.
    I'm the guy.
    You're not the guy.
    Are you sure?That would explain so much. Your constant presence in my apartment, that baffling dalliance with Leonard just to be near me,the way you call me sweetie all the time.
    你确定吗 这就解释了一切 你总是赖在我家不走 你和莱纳德厮混也只是为了靠近我 还有你一直叫我亲爱的
    I call everyone sweetie.
    You tramp.
    Look, Sheldon, all I'm saying is strap on a pair and go talk to Amy.
    谢尔顿 我的意思是 带点种 去找艾米谈谈吧
    Strap on a pair?
    Of what, skates?
    Oh, sweetie, you are so not the guy.
    亲爱的 绝对不是你
    If you're bored, you can go.I understand.
    无聊的话 你可以先走 我完全理解
    No, I'm having a nice time.
    不 我看得很开心
    Don't patronize me.
    Excuse me. Excuse me. Pardon me.Pardon me. Excuse me.
    抱歉 借过 不好意思 不好意思 借过
    Hi, Stuart.
    嗨 斯图尔特
    Hi, Sheldon.
    嗨 谢尔顿
    Pardon me... Excuse me...
    借过一下 不好意思
    Sheldon, what are you doing here?
    谢尔顿 你来干嘛
    The thought of you sitting in a darkened theater with a character like Stuart is repellent.
    我只要一想到你跟斯图尔特那厮 坐在漆黑的影院中 一股厌恶之情就油然而生
    No offense, Stuart.
    无意冒犯 斯图尔特
    None taken.
    Although repellent is kind of a... kind of a strong word.
    I'm sorry this causes you discomfort, but based on the currently established parameters of our relationship,I can put myself in any repellent situation I want.
    抱歉让你不快了 但基于我们关系目前的既定参数 只要我乐意 我可以做任何让你厌恶的事情
    Um, again...
    Stuart, please. You're being rude.
    拜托 斯图尔特 你这样很无礼
    Anything else?
    I believe I would like to alter the paradigm of our relationship.
    I'm listening.
    With the understanding that nothing changes whatsoever,physical or otherwise,
    基于无论如何都维持原状的共识 包括身体或其他方面
    I would not object to us no longer characterizing you as not my girlfriend.
    我将不会不同意 也不再把你定位为不是我女朋友
    Interesting. Now try it without the quadruple negative.
    有意思 现在把不字去掉再给我说一遍
    You're being impossible.
    Hi, Stuart.
    嗨 斯图尔特
    will you be my girlfriend?
    Yes. Well, that's enough of that.Sorry to interrupt.You two enjoy your date.
    愿意 好 这样就够了 抱歉打扰你们了 祝两位约会愉快
    Here's a dollar for your troubles.Get yourself some Sour Patch Kids.
    给你一块钱 就当我给你添麻烦了 自己去买点酸软糖吃吧
    Excuse me... Excuse me... Pardon me...
    不好意思 借过一下 抱歉
    So, other than you taking your relationship to the next level with another guy, this was nice.
    除了让你和另一个家伙的关系 更近一步之外 今晚还是很美好的
    Yes, well, thanks for seeing me to my door.
    是啊 谢谢送我到家门口
    Oh, you're welcome.
    Amy. Amy. Amy.
    艾米 艾米 艾米
    Let's wrap things up out there.
    Um, good night, Stuart.
    晚安 斯图尔特
    Good night.
    Take the hint, Stuart.The lady said Good night
    别装傻了 斯图尔特 人家都说晚安了
    How did you get into my apartment?
    Is that the kind of nagging I can expect now that you're my girlfriend?
    是不是你成了我女朋友 从今往后我就要听这种唠叨呀
    Good thing I drew this up.
    What's that?
    I present to you the relationship agreement.
    A binding covenant that, in its 31 pages,enumerates, iterates and codifies the rights and responsibilities of Sheldon Lee Cooper,here and after known as the boyfriend,
    这是份有约束力的契约书 在这31页里 列举 重申并整理出 谢尔顿·李·库珀的权利与义务 以下简称男友
    and Amy Farrah Fowler,here and after known as the girlfriend
    艾米·菲拉·福勒的权利义务 以下简称女友
    It's so romantic.
    Mutual indemnification always is.
    Why don't you start perusing while I set up my notary stamp.
    在我准备公证人印章时 你可以开始阅读条款了
    Section 5: Hand holding.
    第五条 牵手
    Hand holding is only allowed under the following circumstances.
    牵手仅允许在 以下情况中发生:
    A: Either party is in danger of falling off a cliff,precipice or ledge;
    A 任何一方身处坠落悬崖 绝壁或暗礁的危险时
    B: Either party is deserving of a hearty handshake after winning a Nobel Prize;
    B 在任何一方赢得诺贝尔奖时 必须衷心握手庆贺
    C: Moral support during flu shots
    C 感冒时给予精神支持时
    Seems a bit restrictive.
    Feel free to retain a lawyer.
    Penny, I said right hand red.
    佩妮 我说的是右手红色
    Yeah, I heard you.I got red.
    Bernadette, left foot yellow.
    伯纳黛特 左脚黄色
    We should play limbo next.No one beats me at limbo.
    接下来我们该玩《地狱边境》 (《地狱边境》 2D水墨风格解迷游戏)没人玩得过我
    Penny. Amy. Bernadette.
    佩妮 艾米 伯纳黛特
    That's my boyfriend.
    It's open!
    I got a splinter.
    What do you want me to do about it?
    Relationship agreement Section 4: Boo boos and Ouchies.You have to take care of it.
    《恋爱合同》第四条 小伤小痛 你得照顾它
    I should've gotten a lawyer.
    Looks like it's just us playing.
    Penny, we're out of wine!
    佩妮 酒都喝光啦
    You should probably drive.


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