A: This is the most amazing smoothie ever!
B: What is so amazing about it?
A: It's made with a fruit humans invented!
B: How did humans invent a fruit?
A: I think the process is called cross-breeding.
B: That's amazing! What is the fruit called?
A: The name is a little uncreative.
B: Oh? Tell it to me.
A: It's a strawberry-banana!
B: You mean you got excited over a strawberry-banana
A: Wasn't making two fruits into one a great idea?
B: I think you misunderstood this whole situation.
B: What is so amazing about it?
A: It's made with a fruit humans invented!
B: How did humans invent a fruit?
A: I think the process is called cross-breeding.
B: That's amazing! What is the fruit called?
A: The name is a little uncreative.
B: Oh? Tell it to me.
A: It's a strawberry-banana!
B: You mean you got excited over a strawberry-banana
A: Wasn't making two fruits into one a great idea?
B: I think you misunderstood this whole situation.