A: There are so many different kinds of berries!
B: I can't tell some of them apart.
A: Me, neither! It is a difficult task.
B: Raspberries and blackberries have the same shape!
A: Just remember that raspberries are red.
B: Then why is raspberry candy always colored blue?
A: I think that's because cherry flavor is already red.
B: Blueberries are even more confusing!
A: Why? They're the blue ones.
B: Well, when you mash them, they look purple.
A: I don't think anyone eats mashed blueberries.
B: It's easier to eat them all in a pie! Then they all taste good together.
B: I can't tell some of them apart.
A: Me, neither! It is a difficult task.
B: Raspberries and blackberries have the same shape!
A: Just remember that raspberries are red.
B: Then why is raspberry candy always colored blue?
A: I think that's because cherry flavor is already red.
B: Blueberries are even more confusing!
A: Why? They're the blue ones.
B: Well, when you mash them, they look purple.
A: I don't think anyone eats mashed blueberries.
B: It's easier to eat them all in a pie! Then they all taste good together.