Meaning/Usage: To annoy 惹恼
Explanation: Bugs, like mosquitoes can be annoying when they are buzzing around your ear, or bothering you in some other way.
"I need to concentrate on this, so stop bugging me."
"I need to get out of the house. My little brother has been bugging me all day."
"Let's go bug John."
"If you bug me one more time, I'm going to kick your butt."
A: "Johnny, will you play Star Craft with me?"
B: "I can't. I'm doing my homework."
A: "Come on. I need someone to play with."
B: "Stop bugging me. I said I'm busy."
Other Common Sentences
"Stop pestering me."
"Stop bothering me."
Explanation: Bugs, like mosquitoes can be annoying when they are buzzing around your ear, or bothering you in some other way.
"I need to concentrate on this, so stop bugging me."
"I need to get out of the house. My little brother has been bugging me all day."
"Let's go bug John."
"If you bug me one more time, I'm going to kick your butt."
A: "Johnny, will you play Star Craft with me?"
B: "I can't. I'm doing my homework."
A: "Come on. I need someone to play with."
B: "Stop bugging me. I said I'm busy."
Other Common Sentences
"Stop pestering me."
"Stop bothering me."