Meaning/Usage: Used to agree with someone 习惯于同意某人
Explanation: This is similar to "you can say that again." When someone talks and talks and talks, and then finally says something you really like or agree with, you can say, "now you're talking."
"A cold drink sounds great, now you're talking!"
"Now you're talking, the beach sounds relaxing."
"Now you're talking, I would love to go out to the club tonight."
A. "I say instead of staying home for vacation we go to Mexico."
B. "Now you're talking!"
Other Common Sentences
"I agree."
"I like what you're saying."
Explanation: This is similar to "you can say that again." When someone talks and talks and talks, and then finally says something you really like or agree with, you can say, "now you're talking."
"A cold drink sounds great, now you're talking!"
"Now you're talking, the beach sounds relaxing."
"Now you're talking, I would love to go out to the club tonight."
A. "I say instead of staying home for vacation we go to Mexico."
B. "Now you're talking!"
Other Common Sentences
"I agree."
"I like what you're saying."