Meaning/Usage: To tell someone they did a good job to avoid a problem
Explanation: This is fairly straightforward.
"I am glad you brought an umbrella. That was good thinking."
"Good thinking to call ahead and reserve tickets."
"It was good thinking to send out invitations sooner than later."
A. "I hear the restaurant we are going to is really popular."
B. "It's pretty good... and I already reserved a table for us."
A. "Good thinking!"
Other Common Sentences
"You did well remembering that."
"I'm glad you thought of that."
Explanation: This is fairly straightforward.
"I am glad you brought an umbrella. That was good thinking."
"Good thinking to call ahead and reserve tickets."
"It was good thinking to send out invitations sooner than later."
A. "I hear the restaurant we are going to is really popular."
B. "It's pretty good... and I already reserved a table for us."
A. "Good thinking!"
Other Common Sentences
"You did well remembering that."
"I'm glad you thought of that."