Meaning/Usage: Negative statement to indicate someone has no value; useless
Explanation: Another way to look at this statement is to say "There is nothing good about that person."
"That guy is good for nothing."
"That girl is a good for nothing troublemaker."
"I would not let anything he says bother you, he is good for nothing."
A. "How come you don't like Tim hanging out with Mike?"
B. "Mike is good for nothing. He is always is in some sort of trouble."
Other Common Sentences
"He is no good."
"He is worthless."
Explanation: Another way to look at this statement is to say "There is nothing good about that person."
"That guy is good for nothing."
"That girl is a good for nothing troublemaker."
"I would not let anything he says bother you, he is good for nothing."
A. "How come you don't like Tim hanging out with Mike?"
B. "Mike is good for nothing. He is always is in some sort of trouble."
Other Common Sentences
"He is no good."
"He is worthless."