Meaning/Usage: Expression to indicate relief
Explanation: Another popular way people indicate relief is to say "Thank God"
"Thank goodness this dress still fits, I have nothing else to wear."
"Thank goodness we got our tickets early, the concert is now sold out."
"Thank goodness he doesn't suspect anything. I really want it to be a surprise."
A. "Thank goodness we found out about this sale."
B. "I know! They have such good deals."
A. "Thanks for letting me know about it."
B. "You're welcome."
Other Common Sentences
"I am so glad."
"What a relief."
Explanation: Another popular way people indicate relief is to say "Thank God"
"Thank goodness this dress still fits, I have nothing else to wear."
"Thank goodness we got our tickets early, the concert is now sold out."
"Thank goodness he doesn't suspect anything. I really want it to be a surprise."
A. "Thank goodness we found out about this sale."
B. "I know! They have such good deals."
A. "Thanks for letting me know about it."
B. "You're welcome."
Other Common Sentences
"I am so glad."
"What a relief."