400 it be+名词+不定式
◎ 这个句型中的名词多为抽象名词,如honour,pity,fun,pleasure等,it为形式主语。
It is a great honour to meet you. 见到你真是三生有幸。
It is much fun to take a walk in the woods. 在林中散步真有趣。
It is a pleasure to have been working with you in the past week. 过去一周来同你在一起工作真的使我很开心。
It is a great pity to leave the work undone. 工作没完成真是莫大的遗憾。
It is a waste of money to build so many five-star hotels. 建造这么多的五星级宾馆简直是浪费金钱。