After seeing Affleck's directorial debut Gone Baby Gone, I can honestly say that he has finally found his true calling in Hollywood.
——Adam Tobias, Watertown Daily Times
You can just smell the Oscars from the theater lobby.
——Linda Cook, Quad City Times(Davenport, IA)
This was great. A very good drama. I loved this movie. It has a good story and a good twist. My favorite movie by Ben Affleck would probably be The Town, but this was still very good.
——Richard C
Private investigator Patrick Kenzie(Casey Affleck)and his partner/girlfriend Angie Gennaro(Michelle Monaghan)witness a televised plea by a woman named Helene McCready(Amy Ryan)for the return of her missing daughter Amanda McCready(Madeline O'Brien), who was abducted with her favorite doll “Mirabelle” Patrick and Angie are then hired by the child's aunt Beatrice to find Amanda and discover that Helene and her boyfriend “Skinny Ray” had recently stolen money from Cheese, a local Haitian drug lord. After Ray is murdered, Patrick and Angie join the police detectives investigating the case, Remy Bressant(Ed Harris)and Nick Poole(John Ashton), to arrange a trade of the money for Amanda. Captain Jack Doyle(Morgan Freeman)shows Patrick a telephone transcript of the drug lord setting up an exchange for Amanda. The exchange at a nearby quarry in Ouincy is botched and Amanda is believed to have drowned, as her doll is found in the quarry and returned to Helene. Doyle, whose own daughter was killed years before, takes responsibility for the death and goes into early retirement.
Two months later, a seven-year-old boy is abducted in Everett and Patrick receives information that the boy was taken by a known child molester. After entering his house and finding evidence of the abducted boy, Patrick returns with Remy and Nick to rescue him. They are seen by the residents and Nick is shot. Patrick enters the house during the shootout and finds one of the residents dead. He retreats into the child molester's room, where he finds the boy's dead body; he then shoots the child molester in the back of the head in a fit of rage_
Nick later dies of his wounds. Trying to alleviate Patrick's guilt over the events at the house, Remy unthinkingly confides that he once planted evidence on someone with the help of “Skinny Ray”——whom he had initially told Patrick he didn't know. After Nick's funeral, Patrick speaks to a police officer, who tells him that Remy had been asking about the drug lord's stolen money before the drug lord knew it was missing. Patrick then questions Beatrice's husband Lionel in a bar and pieces together that Lionel and Remy had conspired to stage a fake kidnapping in order to take the drug money for themselves and to save Amanda from her mother's neglectful parenting. At that point, Remy(trying to cover for his earlier mistake)enters the bar; while wearing a latex mask and holding a shotgun, and stages a robbery. He points the shotgun at Lionel's head, but the bartender shoots Remy twice in the back. Remy flees and is pursued by Patrick to the rooftop of a nearby building, where he dies,
Patrick is questioned by the police about Remy's death and learns that the police never had a phone transcript like the one that Doyle had shown him prior to the botched exchange,Patrick and Angie drive to Doyle's home,where Patrick finds Amanda living happily with Doyle and his wife; Doyle was part of the phony kidnapping all along. Patrick threatens to call the authorities, but Doyle attempts to convince him that Amanda is better off living with them than with her mother Patrick leaves and discusses the choices with Angie, who says she will leave him if he calls the police, since she believes that Amanda is much better off with the Doyles. In the next scene, the police arrive, Doyle is arrested, Amanda is returned to her mother amidst heavy publicity, and Patrick and Angie break up.
Patrick later visits Amanda as Helene is about to leave on a date with someone she met during the publicity over her daughter's disappearance; at the same time, she makes a play for Patrick himself. Helene informs Patrick that Beatrice has been forbidden to visit and is upset about her husband's arrest. Helene has no babysitter for Amanda and when asked, she tells Patrick that Dottie(Helene's friend)will watch her, even though she has yet to ask Dottie herself. Patrick volunteers to watch Amanda, who is holding her old doll and watching television. Patrick asks Amanda about Mirabelle, only to hear Amanda inform him that her doll's name is “Annabelle” — implying that Helene did not even know the name of her daughter's favorite toy.
abduct[æb'dʌkt]vt. 绑架;诱拐
quarry['kwɔri]vi. 费力地找
doll[dɔl]n. 洋娃娃;玩偶;无头脑的美丽女人
molester[mə'lestə]n. 猥亵者;性骚扰者
alleviate[ə'li:vieit]vt. 减轻,缓和
conspire[kən'spaiə]vi. 共谋;协力
rooftop['ru:ftɔp]n. 屋顶
transcript['trænskript]n. 成绩单;抄本,副本;文字记录
■ … pieces together that Lionel and Remy had conspired to stage a fake kidnapping...
piece together是英语中一个常用短语,如果你piece together the truth about something, you gradually discover it. 也就是“渐渐弄清(真相)”的意思,该短语在文中就是这个意思。比如:They've pieced together his movements for the last few days before his death. 他们已经渐渐查明了他死前最后几天里的行踪。另外,该短语还有“把……一点一滴地拼起来;拼凑;用零碎的东西拼合成”的意思,比如:The study helps us piece together a fuller picture of what we hear. 这项研究帮助我们拼凑出一幅完整的听觉图画。
Casey Affleck Gone Interview by www.femail.com.au
What research and preparation was necessary before you started filming Gone Baby Gone?
I had the advantage of growing up in this area and being familiar with the accent and the attitude of the people that live there. That was more helpful than I thought it might be. I tried to learn what a real private investigator does on a daily basis and what these cases are really like. I knew they would not be glamorous but more mundane. They spend most of their time sitting at a desk, working on a computer and calling people. When I came to the project it was about working with Ben and trying to find the character together and making sure we were on the same page.
Working with your brother raises the notion of whether there was almost some kind of ESP going on because you are close?
I wish there had been ESP because it would have saved us four fights a day. Unfortunately, we have to vocalise our thoughts. We disagree and because we are brothers we openly disagree. So there would be quite a few times when people would be sitting around the set waiting for us to work out our disagreements. I think it actually helped in the long run because we could arrive at the same page.
本来影片预计2007年12月28日在英国上映,然而由于当地出现了一件与影片中描述的类似的案件:4岁的马德琳·迈卡恩(Madeleine McCann)在随家人去葡萄牙的阳光海滩度假时,在公寓中无故失踪。所以,该片不得不将上映日期延后。