Despite the modest resources, Moon is so visually astonishing that it almost looks like it was shot on location on Earth's oldest satellite.
——Dan Lybarger, eFilmCritic.com
Moon is first-rate science fiction, tackling such issues as identity, individuality and the effects of isolation on the psyche and the soul.
——Bill Goodykoontz, Arizona Republic
Cleverly written and perfectly performed, this is a low-budget scifi straight out of the old-school.
Sam Bell(Sam Rockwell)is nearing the end of a three-year work contract at Lunar Industries' largely automated “Sarang” lunar base, where he is the sole resident. Sam oversees automated harvesters and launches canisters bound for Earth containing the helium-3 they extract. Chronic communication problems limit him to occasional recorded messages with his wife Tess, who was pregnant with their daughter Eve Bell(Kaya Scodelario)when he left. His only companion is an artificial intelligence assistant named GERTY(Kevin Spacey provided the voice), who assists with the base's automation.
Two weeks before he is to return to Earth, Sam suffers from hallucinations of a teenage girl. One such hallucination distracts him while he is out recovering a helium-3 canister from a harvester, causing him to crash his rover into the harvester. Rapidly losing air, Sam dons his helmet in time, but still loses consciousness from his injuries.
Sam awakes in the base infirmary, but with no memory of the accident. He overhears GERTY receiving instructions from Lunar Industries not to let him outside the base and to wait for the arrival of rescue team “Eliza”. He manufactures a fake problem with the base to force GERTY to let him outside. Inside the crashed rover he finds another, unconscious Sam Bell.
After bringing this Sam back to the base and tending to his injuries, the two Sams start to wonder if one is a clone of the other. They get into a heated argument and physical altercation, but soon work together to coerce GERTY into revealing that in fact they are both clones of the real Sam Bell, who is on Earth. GERTY had awakened a new clone after the rover crash and implanted the memories of the real Sam Bell, believing that the original clone could not be recovered. The two clones start exploring the base. They find out that communications are being jammed by antennae at the far edges of the base, and that previous clones have all started to deteriorate and become very ill after about three years of being revived — upon which, believing they were being put into hibernation for the journey home, were simply incinerated. They also discover an enormous vault containing hundreds more clones below the base. The older Sam drives past the interference range in another rover and calls Tess(Dominique McElligott)on Earth, only to get Eve, now 15 years old, who informs him that Tess had died years before. He hangs up before the real Sam can answer.
The Sams realise that the incoming rescue team will kill them both if they are found together. The newer Sam suggests sending the other to Earth in one of the helium-3 canisters, but the older Sam, already in an advanced state of deterioration, knows he will not live much longer and instead suggests the newer Sam go and alert the public to what Lunar Industries is doing. The older Sam plans to return to the crashed rover and die there, so Lunar Industries will not suspect anything. They work with GERTY to erase all records of the second clone, and then revive a third clone to await the Eliza rescue team. They also program one of the harvesters to crash into a jamming antenna to enable communication with Earth. The older Sam, back in the rover, watches as the canister taking the other Sam is launched to Earth, before blacking out.
As the credits roll, news broadcasts report that the clone's testimony about Lunar Industries' illegal activities stirred considerable controversy on Earth, causing the company's stock to crash.
canister['kænistə]n. 筒;小罐;[军]防毒面具的滤毒罐
artificial[ˌɑ:ti'fiʃəl]adj. 人造的;仿造的;虚伪的;非原产地的;武断的
automation[ˌɔ:tə'mei∫ən]n. 自动化;自动操作
hallucination[həˌlu:si'nei∫ən]n. 幻觉,幻想;错觉
harvester['hɑ:vistə]n. 收割机;收获者
infirmary[in'fə:məri]n. 医务室
altercation[ɔ:ltə'kei∫ən]n. 争执
deteriorate[di'tiəriəreit]vi. 恶化,变坏
hibernation[ˌhaibə'nei∫ən]n. 冬眠;过冬;避寒
antenna[æn'tenə]n. 天线;触角,触须
■ He hangs up before the real Sam can answer.
hang up是英语中一个固定搭配,它词义丰富,在文中是“挂断(电话)”的意思,比如:She hung up on me. 她挂断了我的电话。另外,hang up较常用的意思主要有:“把……挂起”、“延迟,中止,搁置(常用被动语态)”“(使)搁浅;(使)受阻无法行动”等,比如:We've been badly hung up for attacking the town. 攻击那个城镇时我们受到顽强的抵抗。
Duncan Jones Interviewed by Simon Brew
Let's start with the most important question of all: how is the campaign coming along to get Sam Rockwell his Best Actor Oscar nomination for Moon?
Not bad! You know,it's a weird one. You know a bit of the background behind it, that we thought he deserved it, then started up this very informal Twitter campaign? And then it got picked up by quite a few sites on the Internet, and now we're starting to see little mentions of it in magazines and a lot of the press that do Oscar predictions. We are getting the odd call here and there that Sam might be one of those people up there with Jeremy Renner from Hurt Locker as possibly filling in that last space.
The thing that really struck me about the film is the silence. I always think that silence on film is really hard, that you have such a balancing act, to temper the monotony...
How do you tackle that? Do you do that on set, or is it something that comes together in the editing room?
Actually, there was an awful lot of time in writing the script, and even before that. Just pacing out the story when I was at the treatment phase. Working out just how much silence is there at any given point, and also how can I make sure that there's enough variety in the visuals to keep the audience engaged and interested.
Because you can't just stick a guy in a box and expect him to entertain everyone, no matter how good an actor he is. It was really coming up with enough new moments and feelings and emotions, and keeping the story moving forward. And at the same time, make the audience buy into the idea that this guy's been on his own for such a long time.