What movie holds the record for earning the most money worldwide?
Avatar, Titanic, Jurassic World, or Star Wars: The Force Awakens?
These are the top four money makers overall but Avatar is number one with almost $2.8 billion.
AZUZ: It costs about $300 million to make the movie "Avengers: Infinity War". That’s a lot. Many major motion pictures cost in the neighborhood of $100 million once you factor in marketing and distribution.
"Infinity War" is one of the most expensive movies ever made. But for its producers, it’s been a worthwhile investment. After 19 days in U.S. movie theaters, "Avengers" has hauled in more than $550 million. And if you add in what it’s made worldwide, you get a staggering figure of $1.65 billion.
《复仇者联盟:无限战争》是有史以来最 “烧钱”的电影之一。但对它的生产商来说,这是一笔值得的投资。在美国影院上映19天后,《复仇者联盟》的票房收入超过5.5亿美元。如果你再加上它在世界范围内的产量,收入惊人16.5亿美元。
And movie industry experts say it could become part of an elite club. There have been only three movies to make more than $2 billion worldwide.
"Infinity War" could become the fourth. A good chunk of these revenues are coming from China. Even when American made movies don’t sell out theaters in America, they’re finding a growing audience overseas.
What movie holds the record for earning the most money worldwide?
Avatar, Titanic, Jurassic World, or Star Wars: The Force Awakens?
These are the top four money makers overall but Avatar is number one with almost $2.8 billion.
AZUZ: It costs about $300 million to make the movie "Avengers: Infinity War". That’s a lot. Many major motion pictures cost in the neighborhood of $100 million once you factor in marketing and distribution.
"Infinity War" is one of the most expensive movies ever made. But for its producers, it’s been a worthwhile investment. After 19 days in U.S. movie theaters, "Avengers" has hauled in more than $550 million. And if you add in what it’s made worldwide, you get a staggering figure of $1.65 billion.
And movie industry experts say it could become part of an elite club. There have been only three movies to make more than $2 billion worldwide.
"Infinity War" could become the fourth. A good chunk of these revenues are coming from China. Even when American made movies don’t sell out theaters in America, they’re finding a growing audience overseas.