外国人日常短语 第472期:Speaking of
教程:外国人常用的英语短语  浏览:734  
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       Speaking of  说起……

      Speaking of winter, did you go skiing this year? 说到冬天,你今年去滑雪了吗?

      Speaking of Brian, I have some big news. 提到布莱恩,我有些特大新闻。

      Speaking of which, are you ready to go to lunch? 话说回来,你准备好去吃午饭了吗?

      These chocolate candies are great.  这些巧克力糖果非常不错。

      Speaking of chocolate, you should try the cookies.  说到巧克力,你应该尝尝这些饼干。

      上一篇:外国人日常短语 第471期:speak for somebody 下一篇:外国人日常短语 第473期:Roughly speaking

