外国人日常短语 第508期:run down
教程:外国人常用的英语短语  浏览:570  
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       run down  跑下去,被车撞,谴责,出故障,磨损

      I'm going to run down to the emergency room and check it out. 我得马上去急救室看看。

      Could you run down to the snack bar and get me some cookies? 你能赶紧去趟快餐店帮我买点饼干吗?

      I've been feeling a little run down lately. 我最近有点累。

      Did you go to the gym today? 你今天去体育馆了?

      Yes, I exercised. Sweat is running down my shirt.  恩,去活动了一会。衣服都湿透了。

      上一篇:外国人日常短语 第507期:run something by somebody 下一篇:外国人日常短语 第509期:run for

