外国人日常短语 第564期:I think I will
教程:外国人常用的英语短语  浏览:480  
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      I think I will ... 我怕……

      I think I will stay here with her. 我怕我要和她留在这。

      I think I'll go say hello to your wife. 我要去和你老婆打个招呼。

      That's okay with me. I think I'll pass. 我无所谓,就算通过了。

      Why don't you ask her to join us? 你为什么不邀请她加入我们呢?

      I think I will. 我正想那么做。

      上一篇:外国人日常短语 第563期:I thought (that) 下一篇:外国人日常短语 第565期:I'm thinking of

