James the Servant
WHAT does your name mean? If it is
it probably means that at some time one of your ancestors was a
If your name is Stuart or Steuart or Stewart or Steward, it may mean that at some time one of your ancestors was a steward, for in olden days people knew very little about spelling, and they spelled the same name in different ways. A steward was a chief servant.
There was a family named Stuart in Scotland, and from chief servants or stewards they had become rulers of the Scots. Mary Stuart, whom Elizabeth had beheaded, was one of them.
As Queen Elizabeth never married, she had no children to rule after her. She was the last of the Tudor family. The English had to look around for a new king, and they looked to Scotland.
Now, Scotland, as I have told you, was then a separate country and not a part of Britain as now. The son of Mary Stuart was then king of Scotland. His name was James Stuart. As he was related to the Tudors, the English invited him to come and rule over them. He accepted the invitation and was called James I. So we speak of his reign and that of his children as the reign of the Stuarts.
The Stuart family reigned for about a hundred years, that is, from 1600 to 1700, all except about eleven years when England had no king at all.
Many times the English must have been very sorry that they had ever invited James to be their king, for he and the whole Stuart family lorded it over the English people. They acted as if they were lords of creation, and the English people had to fight for their rights.
A body of men called Parliament was supposed to make the laws for the English people. But James said that Parliament could do nothing that he didn't like, and if they weren't very careful, he wouldn't let them do any governing at all. James said that whatever the king did was right, that the king could do no wrong, that God gave kings the right to do as they pleased with their subjects. This was called the Divine Right of Kings. Naturally the English people would not put up with this sort of thing. Ever since the time of King John, they had insisted on their own rights. The Tudors had often done things that the people didn't like, but the Tudors were English. The Stuarts, however, were Scottish, and the people looked on them as foreigners; what they permitted in one of their own family they wouldn't stand in these strangers whom they had invited into their family. So, of course, a quarrel was bound to start. But the real fight came with the next king and not with James.
During King James's reign, the Bible was translated into English. This is the Bible that is called the King James Bible.
Nothing much happened in England during James's reign, but in some other countries a great deal did happen although the king had little to do with it. English people made settlements in India, that far-away country that Columbus had tried to reach by going west; and these settlements there grew until India at last belonged to England. England had conquered a large empire and become a wealthy and powerful nation.
Settlements also were made in America; one was made in the South and one, in the North. Raleigh's settlement at Roanoke had disappeared, as I told you; but in 1607 a boatload of English men sailed over to America looking for adventure and hoping to make their fortunes by finding gold. They landed in Virginia and named the place where they settled Jamestown after their king, James. But they found no gold, and as they were not used to work, they didn't want to do any. Their leader, Captain John Smith, took matters in hand and said that those that didn't work shouldn't eat. So then the colonists had to go to work.
Back in England people had learned to smoke, and so the colonists began to raise tobacco for the English people. The tobacco brought the colonists so much money that it proved to be a gold mine-of a different kind-after all. But the colonial gentlemen wanted someone to do the rough work for them. A few years later black people were brought over from Africa and sold to the colonists to do the rough work. This was the beginning of slavery in America, which grew and grew until, on big plantations in the South, almost all the work was done by slaves.
This system of slavery was of course very wrong and cruel, but it lasted for several hundred years. Greed lay at the root of this as well as many other evils.
A little later another company of people left England for America. These people were not looking for fortunes, however, as the Jamestown settlers had been. They were looking for a place where they might worship God as they pleased, for in England they were interfered with, and they wanted to find a place where no one would interfere with them. So this company of people left Plymouth, England in 1620 in a ship called the Mayflower, sailed across the ocean, and landed in a place they named Plymouth, in Massachusetts, and there they settled. More than half of them died the first winter from hardship and exposure in the bitter weather that they have in the North; nevertheless, none of those who were left would go back to England. This settlement was the beginning of that part of the United States called New England. You will hear more about both settlements later when you study American history. At present we must see what was going on in England, for there were great goings on following the reign of James Stuart.
英国在北美洲也建立了殖民地;一个建在南方,一个建在北方。我在前面讲过,罗利在罗厄诺克岛建立的殖民地已经不存在了;但是在1607年一艘装满英国人的船来到美洲,他们来寻求历险,希望能找到黄金,发大财。他们在弗吉尼亚登陆,把他们定居的地方以国王的名字命名为"詹姆斯敦"。但是他们没有发现任何黄金,这 时他们还不习惯劳作,所以根本不想干活。他们的领头者约翰?斯密斯船长照管他们的生活,他告诉大家不干活休想吃饭。所以这些殖民者才不得不去干活。