THE Great Sphinx is the biggest stone statue in the world. The Statue of Liberty is the biggest bronze statue in the world. The biggest marble statue in the world is in the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. The Lincoln Memorial is a beautiful marble building given by the United States in memory of President Lincoln. The statue inside is a huge figure of Abraham Lincoln. It is made up of twenty large pieces of marble so carefully carved and fitted together that the statue seems to be all one piece.
Now, just because a statue is big doesn’t mean that it is a beautiful statue. A little piece of sculpture as big as your hand may be much more beautiful than a huge statue as big as a house. But this biggest marble statue is beautiful. It is great in other ways than just bigness.
The Lincoln statue is the only one in the building. Do you remember another great shrine with a single statue inside? See Chapter 37. The inner walls of the Memorial are decorated with huge paintings, but the whole building seems made just to hold this one statue. Lincoln is seated in a peculiar kind of chair that looks like a throne. He sits facing the door so that you stand before him when you enter.
The whole memorial is so beautiful and impressive, so simple and so fitting, that you feel as if the spirit of Lincoln himself were in the building. I don’t believe a single boy who knows anything of Lincoln’s story could keep his hat on inside the Lincoln Memorial, no matter how careless he might usually be about such things. See picture No.85-2 in Chapter 85.
The sculptor of this wonderful statue of Abraham Lincoln was Daniel Chester French. Let me tell you about two of his many other statues.
Daniel Chester French carved the Minute Man that stands on the battle-field at Concord, Massachusetts. Where the statue stands, the road crosses a little wooden bridge over a stream and it was at this crossing that the New England farmers fired on the British soldiers— fired “the shot heard round the world.” The Minute Man was placed there in memory of those farmer soldiers. They were called minute men because they kept themselves ready to go to fight the enemy at a minute’s notice. The statue shows a minute man who is plowing when the call to arms comes. He leaves the plow in the field as he snatches his musket. It was French’s first statue, made when he was twenty-three.
No.57-1 ABRAHAM LINCOLN(《阿伯拉罕·林肯》) FRENCH(佛兰奇 制)
Photograph by Publishers Photo Service
FRENCH(佛兰奇 制)
Courtesy of The University Prints.
Some years later Daniel Chester French made a statue called “Death Staying the Hand of the Sculptor.” The statue shows the Angel of Death reaching out her hand to take the hand of a young sculptor who is carving a sphinx in bas relief. Of course when Death takes his hand the sculptor must leave his work unfinished. The statue is in memory of a young sculptor named Millmore, who died almost at the beginning of his work. It is sometimes called the Millmore Memorial.
丹尼尔·切斯特·佛兰奇还雕刻了《一分钟人》。这座雕像现在位于马萨诸塞州康科德的古战场上。一条小溪在雕像的前面流淌,一座小木桥直抵对岸。正是在此处,新英格兰的民兵朝英国士兵打响了 “响彻世界”的第一枪。这座《一分钟人》雕像正是为了纪念当时打响第一枪的那些民兵们。我们之所以把他们叫做“一分钟人”,是因为他们人人都做好了下一分钟同敌军进行殊死战斗的准备。这座雕像刻画的“一分钟人”正在耕地,他听到战斗的号角,立刻丢下手中的犁,抓起滑膛枪,准备战斗。这是佛兰奇23岁时创作的第一座雕像。