HAVE you ever been locked up? I knew a boy who was locked up by mistake. He hadn’t done anything bad, and he wasn’t locked up in jail.
What the boy had done was to go to a big museum to see the paintings. He walked and walked through gallery after gallery, until his feet hurt and he felt very weary. When he saw a comfortable sofa in one of the rooms he sat down to rest. The sofa was so comfortable that the boy fell fast asleep.
When he woke up, everything was dark. Of course, he was a little frightened. Who wouldn’t be! Great stone statues of Egyptian kings loomed black all around him. He hurried to the door. The door was locked!
He called and yelled and pounded on the door, but the museum had been closed for the night and no one heard him. There was nothing for the poor boy to do but stay there all night. When the doors were unlocked the next morning, you can imagine how surprised the guards were to find a very scared and very hungry boy waiting to get out.
A museum isn’t a comfortable place to live in, even for one night. The boy who got locked up found that out. And almost all the buildings you have read about in this book would make very poor homes. Who would want to live in the Parthenon, or St. Sophia, or the Leaning Tower of Pisa, or Rheims Cathedral? Even the castles and palaces of the Renaissance would be inconvenient for homes without a great number of servants to keep them in order.
Yet from the very earliest times people have had houses to live in Why haven’t these houses been more important in the story of architecture?
One reason is that the houses people live in are not generally built to last as long as a great temple or cathedral. The houses were often built of wood which gradually decayed. Houses wear out just as shoes or ships or shirts do. Old houses are torn down to make room for new ones. Many burn down. So a dwelling as old as a Greek temple would be very hard to find.
Houses that people live in, however, are often more truly interesting than the great celebrated buildings, For instance, I like the everyday houses of England more than I like the big, handsome, famous public buildings built since the English Gothic cathedrals. I believe you may like them more, too. I’ll tell you about them.
Gothic architecture in England had been slowly changing, until the later Gothic buildings were quite different from the early Gothic buildings. By the time Queen Elizabeth began to rule, English Gothic architecture had changed so much that it could hardly be called Gothic any more, so it was given a special name. The English rulers at this time belonged to the Tudor family and the architecture was called Tudor. Tudor architecture was in between Gothic and Renaissance architecture. It came after the true Gothic had died out and before the true Renaissance architecture had come to England. Tudor architecture is the most English of all English architecture.
Manor houses took the place of the medieval castles. Several of the old manor houses of this Tudor period are still standing. They have big bay windows that stick out from the walls, sometimes three stories high. The Tudor windows often had flat tops instead of pointed arch tops like the Gothic, but most of them still had stone tracery in them like the Gothic.
The windows were not arranged in even rows like the windows of the Riccardi Palace in Italy. Wherever a room needed a window, there a window would be put. The chimneys too were put wherever a fireplace was needed, and not just so they would look well from the outside. Often the chimneys were round like columns, instead of being square, and some were twisted like corkscrews.
No.80-1 HADDON HALL, A TUDOR HOUSE(都铎式住宅哈顿公馆)
The Tudor houses were honest architecture. They were built for comfortable and useful homes, not for show with all the beauty on the outside. That is one thing that makes them so pleasant and homelike to look at. They were built of whatever materials could be found in the neighborhood, sometimes stone, sometimes brick, sometimes partly wood and plaster. They seem to fit into the landscape as if they had grown there.
Now here’s a paragraph you’ll probably have to read twice because there are so many insides and outsides to it. As the Tudor houses were built for homes, the inside was considered more important than the outside. The outside was not put on like Italian Renaissance outsides, to make a pretty picture. The outside was really just the outside of the inside. But the Renaissance buildings were built for the outside effect. The Renaissance inside was just the inside of the outside. That is really a big difference when you think of it. Does all that mix you up? Then read it once more and probably you can get straightened out.
Indoors on the first floor of a Tudor manor house was the great hall. On the second floor there was often a long gallery or hall running the length of the building. This long gallery connected the rooms of the second story and was, besides, often used as a place to hang the family portraits.
Besides the manor houses, there are many smaller houses of this period still left in England. These often have the first story built of brick and stone and the higher stories of oak timbers as a framework with the spaces between the timbers filled in with brick and plaster. The dark timbers against the white plaster make a very striking effect. One little girl always calls them zebra houses on account of the stripes, but their proper name is half-timbered houses.
Many of the jolly-looking little old inns and taverns of England are in half-timbered style. Here the stage coaches used to stop and travelers would find the inns cozy and warm after a long day’s journey. Some of these old inns have queer names like the Fighting Cocks, or the Fox and the Hounds, the Six Bells, the Dolphin, the Feathers or the Eagle and Child.
Two small half-timbered houses have become so famous that you must have seen pictures of them. They are famous as homes. One was the home of the Shakspere family and in it William Shakspere was born. The other was the home of Anne Hathaway, the woman whom Shakspere married. Here is a picture of the birthplace of Shakspere in Stratford-on-Avon.
Honest, picturesque, comfortable—don’t you like these homes of England?