四 摇篮歌
William Blake
Sleep, Sleep, beauty bright, |
睡吧,睡吧,漂亮的宝贝, |
Dreaming o'er the joys of night, |
整夜在欢乐的梦乡酣睡; |
Sleep, Sleep, in thy sleep |
睡吧,睡吧,在你的梦里, |
Little sorrows sit and weep. |
小小的悲哀坐着哭泣。 |
Sweet Babe, in thy face |
可爱的宝贝,在你的脸上, |
Soft desires I can trace, |
我看到有一种温柔的渴望, |
Secret joys and secret smiles, |
秘密的快乐,秘密的微笑, |
Little pretty infant riles. |
小小的狡黠,婴儿的计巧。 |
As thy softest limbs I feel, |
当我爱抚你柔软的脚和手, |
Smiles as of the morning steal |
好象有早晨的微笑偷偷 |
O'er thy cheek and o'er thy breast |
爬上你的脸,爬上你的胸, |
Where thy little heart does rest. |
小小的心呵就在你胸中。 |
O the cunning wiles that creep |
呵,在你熟睡的心底, |
In thy little heart asleep! |
有多少聪慧,有多少伶俐! |
When thy little heart does wake, |
等到你小小的心儿苏醒, |
Then the dreadful lightnings break. |
可怕的黑夜就迎来黎明。 |
屠 岸译 |