五 保姆的歌
William Blake
When the voices of children are heard on the green, |
听到草地上孩子们叫, |
And laughing is heard on the hill, |
听到山头上孩子们笑, |
My heart is at rest within my breast, |
我的心中,充满安宁, |
And every thing else is still. |
世间万物一片静悄悄。 |
Then come home my children, the sun is gone down, |
孩子们回家吧,太阳落山了, |
And the dews of night arise. |
夜晚的露水正来临。 |
Come, come, leave off play, and let us away |
来来,已经玩够,让咱们走, |
Till the morning appears in the skies. |
等明朝天边太阳升。 |
No, no, let us play, for it is yet day, |
不不,让我们玩,白天还没完, |
And we cannot go to sleep. |
我们不睡觉,不睡觉。 |
Besides, in the sky, the little birds fly, |
你看蓝天上,小鸟在飞翔, |
And the hills are all coverd with sheep. |
还有羊群在满山跑。 |
Well, well, go and play till the light fades away, |
好吧好吧再玩一回,直到天全黑, |
And then go home to bed. |
再回家去上眠床。 |
The little ones leaped and shouted and laugh'd, |
小家伙们又跳又叫又是笑, |
And all the hills echoed. |
笑声在所有的山头来回响。 |
屠 岸译 |