八 "有一个淘气的男孩"
John Keats
There was a naughty Boy, |
有一个淘气的男孩, |
And a naughty Boy was he. |
淘气的男孩就是他。 |
He ran away to Scotland |
他一跑跑到苏格兰, |
The people for to see ---- |
把人情世故来观察—— |
'Then he found |
于是他发现, |
That the ground |
跟英格兰比, |
W as as hard, |
那里的土地 |
That a yard |
同样硬, |
Was as long, |
那里的尺寸 |
That a song |
同样长, |
Was as merry, |
那里的歌唱 |
That a cherry |
同样美妙, |
Was as red ---- |
那里的樱桃 |
That lead |
同样红艳—— |
Was as weighty, |
那里的铅 |
That fourscore |
同样沉甸甸, |
W as as eighty, |
那里三七 |
That a door |
同样是二十一, |
Was as wooden |
那里的门 |
As in England ---- |
同样是木头制成—— |
So he stood in his shoes |
于是他站着发呆, |
And he wonder'd , |
觉得真奇怪, |
He wonder'd , |
真奇怪, |
He stood in his shoesAnd he wonder'd. |
他站着发呆, |
觉得真奇怪。 |
屠 岸译 |