第十一季 第九集 |
00:02.65, |
Why are they making four more Avatar movies? |
《阿凡达》电影的续集为什么要拍4部啊 |
00:05.99, |
It's not like the first one is even that good. |
第一部都没多好看 |
00:08.29, |
What are you talking about? You love that movie. |
听你在胡扯 你明明超爱那部电影 |
00:10.33, |
You even went as Avatar for Halloween. |
那年万圣节你还打扮成阿凡达了 |
00:12.52, |
I remember. That was not a lot of clothes. |
历历在目啊 那衣不蔽体的画面 |
00:18.46, |
Hey, guys. |
你们来啦 |
00:20.05, |
I'm, uh, I'm running a special today, uh, |
我... 我今天店里有特殊活动 |
00:23.32, |
buy something, keep having a comic book store to come to. |
买任何产品 能获得这漫画店不倒闭 |
00:28.35, |
This is awkward. |
这就尴尬了 |
00:28.95, |
I was actually gonna return this. |
我本来打算来退这本漫画呢 |
00:31.69, |
What's wrong with it? |
这漫画哪里出问题了 |
00:32.60, |
I-I finished it. |
我看完了 |
00:36.25, |
Speaking of something I find interesting, |
说到我觉得有趣的事 |
00:38.69, |
did anyone read that article about Bitcoin I sent you? |
你们读了我发的比特币的文章了吗 |
00:41.76, |
Yeah, I can't believe a single Bitcoin |
有啊 我真没想到一个比特币 |
00:43.48, |
is worth about $5,000 now. |
现在能值五千块美金 |
00:46.22, |
Wait, didn't we mine some a few years ago? |
等等 我们好几年前不是挖过比特币吗 |
00:49.59, |
It was seven years ago. |
是七年前 |
00:51.61, |
Oh, yeah, I remember that. |
对啊 我记得了 |
00:53.82, |
Really? All I can remember from seven years ago |
真的吗 我唯一记得起的七年前事物 |
00:56.14, |
is I couldn't get Kesha's "Tik Tok" out of my head. |
是当时我脑海中不停播放凯沙的歌"滴答" |
01:00.02, |
? Tik Tok, on the clock... ? Whoa, welcome home, Kesha. |
♪ 滴答 时间不停走 ♪ 欢迎回家 凯沙妹子 |
01:04.42, |
No, we-we definitely mined some. |
我们绝对挖了一些币 |
01:06.48, |
I-I remember sitting in your bedroom and writing the program. |
我还记得坐在你房间然后写了程序 |
01:09.20, |
I think we ended up with a bunch of it. |
我们当时好像还挖出了不少呢 |
01:10.82, |
Wow, and at, like, $5,000 apiece, that's... |
现在一个币值五千 那... |
01:14.76, |
Sounds like a lot of money, which we agreed to share |
那听起来是一笔巨款啊 当时我们说好平分 |
01:18.75, |
cause I-I was totally there. I remember now. |
因为当时我绝对在场 我刚想起来 |
01:23.21, |
I can't believe we forgot about it. |
真不敢相信我们忘了这事 |
01:24.89, |
It's not that surprising. |
这也不奇怪 |
01:25.90, |
They were basically worthless when we got them. |
我们拿到手的时候根本不值钱 |
01:28.05, |
I wish I knew how much we had. |
真想知道我们有多少币 |
01:30.03, |
Sheldon, you must remember. |
谢尔顿你肯定记得 |
01:31.71, |
Of course I do. |
当然啦 |
01:32.98, |
Oh, yeah, he and I totally remember. |
对啊 我跟他绝对都记得 |
01:37.19, |
You tell them, Sheldon. |
你跟大家说吧 谢尔顿 |
01:40.16, |
7年前 |
01:41.50, |
I can't believe you haven't seen Avatar yet. |
真不敢相信你还没去看《阿凡达》 |
01:43.10, |
What is wrong with you? |
你有毛病啊 |
01:44.70, |
Penny and I just started dating, |
我跟佩妮刚开始交往 |
01:46.12, |
and you know I don't like big crowds. |
你也知道我不喜欢人太多的地方 |
01:48.18, |
Because you're afraid Penny will leave you for someone in them? |
因为你怕佩妮会跟人群中的某人跑了吗 |
01:50.38, |
Terrified. |
怕死了 |
01:53.00, |
Yes, instead of going out, |
所以他们不像常人出去约会 |
01:54.34, |
they just stay home and have constant coitus. |
而是待在房里不停交媾 |
01:56.87, |
Well, I didn't want to say it, but I-I do like to hear it. |
我不想说出来 但听到这话还挺爽 |
02:02.60, |
Yes, Ma, I'll be home for dinner. |
会啦 妈 我会回家吃饭 |
02:06.08, |
No, I'm not ruining my appetite with candy. |
我才不会吃糖果吃到晚饭吃不下 |
02:10.71, |
Oh, we're having brisket? |
今晚有炖牛胸吗 |
02:13.32, |
Be home at 6:00. |
我6点准时到家 |
02:16.22, |
Maybe we should double date. |
或许我们可以四人约会 |
02:17.58, |
I'll bring Penny and you can bring your mom. |
我带佩妮 你带老母 |
02:20.67, |
Oh, make your jokes, |
随你吐槽 |
02:22.01, |
but my date started a savings account for me. |
但我的伴帮我开了储蓄账户 |
02:24.14, |
Did yours? |
你的伴有吗 |
02:26.95, |
- Hey, you guys. - Hey. |
大家好啊-好啊 |
02:27.96, |
Oh, Stuart, good. I was wondering, |
斯图尔特 太好了 我正想问你 |
02:29.62, |
will you be accepting Bitcoin? |
你这里收比特币吗 |
02:32.17, |
Well, I don't know what that is, but it's got "coin" in it, |
我不知道那是什么 但它带有一个"币"字 |
02:34.73, |
and my cash register doesn't, so... yeah. |
而我的收银机里没有币 我收 |
02:40.65, |
Wait, what's Bitcoin? |
等等 什么是比特币 |
02:41.81, |
It's a new online currency that's been developed. |
是一种新开发出来的线上货币 |
02:44.62, |
Uh, it's just like actual money, |
跟真的钱没啥两样 |
02:46.17, |
except you can't see it, hold it, or spend it on anything. |
只不过你看不到 摸不到 买不了任何东西 |
02:50.78, |
Sounds like the kind of money I'm familiar with. |
感觉是我很熟悉的一种钱 |
02:55.11, |
If it's not tangible, how do you know |
如果不是有形的货币 你怎么能确定 |
02:56.98, |
it's not just gonna vanish tomorrow? |
它不会一夕之间就消失了呢 |
02:58.95, |
Really? You're dating Penny, and you're gonna poke at something |
不是吧 你在跟佩妮交往 而你居然还想多问 |
03:01.41, |
that could vanish tomorrow? |
明天就可能消失的事物吗 |
03:04.65, |
I'll buy some Bitcoin. |
我愿意买点比特币 |
03:05.87, |
I just came into a little extra money |
我最近刚到手一小笔钱 |
03:07.43, |
when my dad raised my allowance. |
我爸给我涨了零花钱 |
03:11.12, |
You don't have to buy Bitcoin. |
比特币不用买 |
03:13.02, |
You can mine it. |
你可以自己挖出来 |
03:14.23, |
Mine it? Like, mining gold? |
挖 就像挖金子吗 |
03:16.39, |
Sort of. There's a limited amount, |
类似吧 比特币的总数是有限的 |
03:18.60, |
and we find it, not by tunneling into the earth, |
我们想获得 不是往地心挖坑 |
03:20.97, |
but by using a computer to solve complex mathematical problems. |
而是用电脑运算复杂的数学问题来获得 |
03:24.59, |
So let me get this straight. |
让我理理 |
03:25.95, |
We have to write an elaborate program |
所以我们得精心写个程序 |
03:27.39, |
in order to find a fake coin that we can't spend on anything? |
来挖出我们花不了的假货币吗 |
03:31.18, |
- Yes. - ?That sounds fun. |
-是的 -听起来真"有趣"啊 |
03:34.27, |
Yeah, I'm in. |
我加入 |
03:35.11, |
Staying up late, writing code, it sounds like a party. |
一起熬夜 写代码 感觉像个派对啊 |
03:38.40, |
Hey, Stuart. |
斯图尔特 |
03:39.11, |
You want to mine some Bitcoin with us? |
你想跟我们一起挖比特币吗 |
03:41.04, |
We'll write the program, you bring the snacks? |
我们写程序 你带零食 |
03:42.88, |
Too rich for my blood. |
太高档 穷人玩不起 |
03:46.19, |
All right, so just the four of us. |
好吧 那就我们四个人挖 |
03:48.36, |
Before we begin, |
开挖前先说好 |
03:49.69, |
this may have some unprecedented tax implications. |
这可能会造成史无前例的税务问题 |
03:53.01, |
In fact, we should start early 'cause |
其实我们最好快点开始 |
03:54.48, |
we are gonna be on the phone with the IRS for hours. |
到时候国税局可能会打电话跟我们谈很久呢 |
03:57.53, |
Did anybody else just get goose bumps? |
有人也兴奋到起鸡皮疙瘩了吗 |
04:00.73, |
Great, so just the three of us. |
很好 就我们三个挖吧 |
04:04.07, |
Oh, yeah. We did it without you. |
想起来了 我们没带你 |
04:04.09, |
今时今日 |
04:06.35, |
And do you remember what happened next? |
你还记得后来发生什么事了吗 |
04:08.65, |
Your mom called my mom and said we were being mean? |
你妈打给我妈说我们欺负你 |
04:12.68, |
And after that? |
在那之后呢 |
04:15.88, |
You said that someday we'd regret this. |
你说有一天我们会后悔 |
04:18.98, |
And do you know what today is? |
那你知道今天是什么日子吗 |
04:21.70, |
The day we found out we're rich and none of it is yours? |
我们发现自己发财了而你屁都没的日子吗 |
04:27.75, |
Yeah, that's right! Up top! |
对啊 击个掌 |
04:55.85, |
今时今日 |
04:56.18, |
Okay, this is the laptop i was using in 2010. |
这是我2010年时用的笔记本电脑 |
05:00.19, |
The Bitcoin must be on here. |
比特币肯定就在这里面 |
05:02.32, |
So what are you gonna do with your share of the money? |
你拿到钱之后打算怎么处理 |
05:04.30, |
Uh, well, as a responsible adult, |
身为一个有责任心的大人 |
05:06.05, |
I'll put that money into a CD, wait for that CD to mature, |
我会把钱拿去做定存 等定存到期了 |
05:08.84, |
and then buy a tiger. |
就拿去买只老虎 |
05:17.43, |
How about you? |
那你呢 |
05:18.53, |
Oh, that depends on whether I tell Bernadette or not. |
得看我告不告诉伯纳黛特了 |
05:22.98, |
Howard, I can hear you. The baby monitor is on. |
霍华德 我能听见你说话 宝宝监控器开着呢 |
05:28.17, |
I know. I was joking. I'm gonna put it in a college fund. |
我知道 我说笑呢 我会为孩子存起来 |
05:36.83, |
All right, all booted up. |
好啦 开好机啦 |
05:39.30, |
Wow, I-I knew you were single back then, |
我知道你当年是单身狗 |
05:41.12, |
but that is a lot of porn... |
但这也太多黄片了吧 |
05:42.45, |
Science! A lot of science. |
科学 是好多科学 |
05:45.73, |
Wow, you were really into Asian science. |
那你非常喜欢"亚洲的科学"啊 |
05:51.35, |
I don't see the Bitcoin on here. |
电脑里没看到比特币啊 |
05:52.89, |
Hey, maybe it's in that folder marked |
或许是在那个叫 |
05:54.37, |
Private and Confidential. |
私人机密档案资料夹里 |
05:56.15, |
It's not! |
不在那里面 |
05:59.25, |
7年前 |
06:00.01, |
Okay, the program is almost ready to run. |
准备好执行挖矿程序了 |
06:02.22, |
Mining for coins sounds so manly. |
挖金币听起来好爷们啊 |
06:04.92, |
Ooh, we should sing a mining song. |
或许我们该唱首挖矿歌 |
06:08.18, |
Do you know a mining song? |
你会任何挖矿歌吗 |
06:10.11, |
I don't know. |
不知道 |
06:11.08, |
Does "Tik Tok" by Kesha count? |
凯沙的"滴答"算吗 |
06:12.51, |
Because it has tunneled its way into my heart. |
这首歌挖洞钻进了我的心房 |
06:16.66, |
Howard, what's going on?! |
霍华德 你们在干嘛呢 |
06:18.62, |
Are you boys roughhousing?! |
你们在大乱斗吗 |
06:20.63, |
No, we're not roughhousing! |
不 我们没在大乱斗 |
06:22.65, |
We're scientists! Scientists don't roughhouse! |
我们是科学家 科学家不会大乱斗 |
06:26.63, |
Excuse me, Mr. Grown-up. |
抱歉打扰了 大人先生 |
06:31.55, |
Aw, man, what happened? |
怎么回事 |
06:32.77, |
It crashed. |
死机了 |
06:34.18, |
It's been doing that lately. |
最近常常这样 |
06:35.88, |
I think it's got a virus from all the... |
应该是中毒了 因为我... |
06:38.21, |
music I've been downloading. |
下载了很多"音乐" |
06:41.88, |
What kind of music? |
什么类型的音乐 |
06:43.44, |
Mostly Asian. |
大部分是亚洲的 |
06:47.83, |
Some oldies. |
还有些老的 |
06:50.58, |
Well, we can use my laptop. |
可以用我的电脑 |
06:52.98, |
Howard, I made cookies for you and your little friends! |
霍华德 我给你和小伙伴们做了曲奇 |
06:57.21, |
They're not my little friends, and we don't want cookies! |
他们不是我的小伙伴 我们也不要吃曲奇 |
07:00.31, |
Actually, a cookie sounds good. |
其实我还挺想吃曲奇的 |
07:01.32, |
All right, we'll have cookies! |
好吧 我们要吃曲奇 |
07:02.56, |
Thank you very much! |
谢谢你了 |
07:05.50, |
That's right. It must be on my old laptop. |
对了 肯定是在我的旧电脑里 |
07:05.32, |
今时今日 |
07:07.91, |
Well, let's go. |
快走吧 |
07:08.56, |
Hey, Bernie, you mind if I run to Leonard's and... |
妮妮 我能不能去一下莱纳德家 |
07:10.61, |
Get a laptop full of money? |
取一台装满钱的电脑吗 |
07:11.86, |
Why are you still here?! Go, go, go! |
还傻坐着干什么 快去啊 |
07:17.73, |
So, how's the wedding planning going? |
婚礼计划得怎么样啦 |
07:19.79, |
Great. |
很好 |
07:20.50, |
Although, we're having trouble agreeing on a location. |
不过举办地点我俩还没商量好 |
07:23.17, |
I thought you were looking at a cliff on the beach. |
你们之前不是在找海滩边上的悬崖吗 |
07:25.10, |
We were, but Sheldon didn't like any of them. |
是啦 但谢尔顿一个都不喜欢 |
07:29.79, |
Some were too beachy, some were too cliffy. |
有些太海滩 有些太悬崖 |
07:34.26, |
And all of them were too outsidey. |
而且所有地点都太室外了 |
07:37.89, |
Well, weddings aren't about the location. |
婚礼的重点不在于地点 |
07:40.12, |
They're about standing up in front of your family and friends |
最重要的是站在你们亲友面前 |
07:42.53, |
and promising that Sheldon will never move back in here. |
发誓谢尔顿永远不会搬回这里 |
07:47.53, |
Hi. |
好啊 |
07:49.46, |
What are you guys doing? |
你们几个干嘛呢 |
07:50.58, |
Uh, we have a bunch of Bitcoin on an old laptop, |
我们有台旧电脑里有些比特币 |
07:53.11, |
and it could be worth, like, a lot of money. |
也许能值很多钱 |
07:54.82, |
What-- You're kidding. |
什么 你逗我呢吧 |
07:55.85, |
No. We-we could be sitting on a fortune. |
没有 我们可能坐在金山上 |
07:58.01, |
Okay, let the record show, I did not marry you for money, |
我要先声明 我当初嫁给你不是为了钱 |
08:00.39, |
but you just got way more attractive. |
但你忽然变得有魅力多了 |
08:03.54, |
Damn it, it's not in here. |
我靠 不在这里面 |
08:05.48, |
If only you had someone around with an eidetic memory. |
要是你们当时有个过目不忘的朋友在场就好了 |
08:11.19, |
I bet they would know what happened to it. |
我猜他肯定记得电脑哪去了 |
08:13.71, |
If you know, just tell us. |
你如果知道 就快告诉我们 |
08:15.07, |
Excuse me, but if I recall from seven years ago, |
不好意思 但如果我没记错七年前的事 |
08:18.06, |
you don't want me to be a part of this. |
你们不想要我参与这件事 |
08:20.20, |
Sheldon, you can't still be mad. |
谢尔顿 你不会还在生气吧 |
08:22.45, |
Oh, please. |
拜托 |
08:23.47, |
I have grudges that go back to preschool. |
我幼儿园时期的仇都还记着呢 |
08:27.15, |
Someday, I'm gonna find a grown-up Elaine Dwyer |
总有一天 我要找到长大的伊莱恩·德怀尔 |
08:29.47, |
and eat her favorite crayon while she watches. |
在她面前吃掉她最爱的蜡笔 |
08:33.10, |
Is that why there's an Elaine Dwyer on our guest list? |
所以我们宴请名单上才有个伊莱恩·德怀特吗 |
08:37.28, |
Yes. |
没错 |
08:37.85, |
That night, I'm going to have the first dance |
到那晚 我便能拥有第一支舞 |
08:40.16, |
and the last laugh. |
和最后胜利者的一笑 |
08:42.66, |
Sheldon, please. |
谢尔顿 拜托了 |
08:46.18, |
Should I be the bigger man? |
我该大人有大量吗 |
08:47.97, |
I think you should. |
我觉得应该 |
08:49.50, |
Oh, why'd I ask you? |
我脑子抽了才会问你 |
08:53.42, |
7年前 |
08:55.10, |
Hey there, pretty lady. |
好啊 美人 |
08:56.50, |
I'm not waiting on your table for you. |
我不会帮你服务你的客人 |
08:59.02, |
Come on, this one is so annoying. |
拜托啦 这个客人真的很讨厌 |
09:01.67, |
Excuse me, waitress. |
不好意思 服务员 |
09:06.04, |
You guys ready to order? |
二位要点餐了吗 |
09:07.08, |
Can you take our picture, please? |
能帮我们拍张照吗 |
09:08.35, |
Oh, sure. |
没问题 |
09:10.23, |
Smile! |
笑一下 |
09:15.24, |
Perfect. |
完美 |
09:16.65, |
Thank you. You may go now. |
谢谢 你可以退下了 |
09:18.98, |
It was nice to meet you, |
很高兴认识你 |
09:20.46, |
and I mean that politely, not sincerely. |
我这是客套话 不是真心的 |
09:25.14, |
What was that? |
刚刚是怎么回事 |
09:26.08, |
I need to prove to my mother that I'm on a date. |
我需要证明给我妈看 我正在约会 |
09:28.34, |
If she thinks I faked the picture, |
如果她觉得照片是我伪造的 |
09:29.75, |
I might need you as a witness. What's your name? |
我可能需要你当人证 你叫什么名字 |
09:32.79, |
Bernadette. |
伯纳黛特 |
09:35.88, |
Hey, sweetie. |
亲爱的 |
09:36.65, |
Everybody good? |
都吃得开心吗 |
09:37.30, |
Yeah. |
嗯 |
09:37.84, |
?- Fine. ?- Sure. |
挺好-开心 |
09:41.11, |
You don't have to whisper, you can just nod your head. |
你不用说悄悄话 点个头就行了 |
09:46.94, |
Or you could just speak. |
或者直接说也行 |
09:50.91, |
You having a good day? |
你今天顺利吗 |
09:51.82, |
No, I missed an audition |
不好 我错过了试镜 |
09:52.86, |
because my computer broke, and I didn't get the e-mail. |
因为我电脑坏了 没收到通知邮件 |
09:55.00, |
Would've been a perfect part for me. |
本来是个超适合我的角色 |
09:56.80, |
Was it waitress who ignores her customers? |
是演一个无视客人的服务员吗 |
09:58.80, |
Because that's the role you were born to play. |
你天生就是演这个的料 |
10:02.65, |
Shut up and eat your burger. |
闭嘴吃你的汉堡 |
10:04.38, |
Actually, it's a turkey club. |
其实是火鸡三明治 |
10:06.07, |
Didn't you order a burger? |
你点的不是汉堡吗 |
10:07.15, |
I did, and yet here we are. |
是的 但你不从人愿 |
10:11.31, |
You know what, if you need a computer, |
你如果要用电脑 |
10:12.51, |
you can use my laptop. |
可以用我的 |
10:13.81, |
Oh, that's sweet, but I'm not gonna take your computer. |
你真贴心 但我不会要你的电脑 |
10:15.71, |
Oh, it's fine. I-I'm getting a new one anyway. |
没事 反正我也要买新的了 |
10:17.64, |
- Are you sure? - Don't be silly. |
你确定吗-别傻了 |
10:19.48, |
He's desperate to hold on to you. |
他拼了命想抓紧你 |
10:21.03, |
You can get anything out of him. |
你想从他那拿走什么都行 |
10:22.92, |
His car, his watch... |
他的车 他的表 |
10:24.59, |
Maybe a kidney. You already have his testicles. |
拿个肾估计也没问题 你已经得到他的蛋蛋了 |
10:26.57, |
You can start a collection. |
可以集齐一整套 |
10:30.66, |
Oh, my God, that's right. You gave me your laptop. |
天啊 是这样没错 你把电脑给我了 |
10:30.35, |
今时今日 |
10:32.71, |
That was so sweet. |
你太好了 |
10:33.93, |
- So you know where it is? - Of course. |
这么说你知道在哪了-当然啦 |
10:35.66, |
- All right! - Yes! - ?Great! |
好耶-棒-太好了 |
10:36.75, |
I gave it to my ex-boyfriend Zack. |
我给我前男友扎克了 |
10:38.34, |
- Come on! - ?No! |
不是吧-不要啊 |
10:44.45, |
今时今日 |
10:44.77, |
Okay, Zack, thank you so much. |
好的 扎克 谢谢你 |
10:46.03, |
We'll be right over. |
我们这就过去 |
10:48.02, |
He still has it. |
电脑还在他那 |
10:49.83, |
I can't believe you took a gift from me |
真不敢相信你把我送你的礼物 |
10:51.83, |
and gave it to another man. |
转送给其他男人了 |
10:53.71, |
Really? |
不是吧 |
10:54.96, |
Of all the things she's given to other men, |
她给其他男人送过那么多"甜头" |
10:56.84, |
that's what you're concerned about? |
你却只在意这个吗 |
11:01.07, |
Please don't make a big deal about this. |
不要小题大做了 |
11:02.80, |
It was a long time ago, we were broken up. |
那是很久之前的事了 我们当时分手了 |
11:04.81, |
Which breakup was that? |
是哪一次分手 |
11:06.01, |
Was that the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre? |
是"情人节大屠杀"吗 |
11:09.75, |
No, no. |
不 不是 |
11:10.53, |
This might've been during the Comic-Con Dump-A-Thon. |
可能是"漫展大怒甩"期间 |
11:14.20, |
You have names for our breakups? |
你们还给我们每次分手取名了吗 |
11:15.78, |
Well, they would really blur together if we didn't. |
如果不这样 可能会分不清 |
11:19.42, |
The Comic-Con breakup's easy to remember |
漫展那次分手很容易记住 |
11:21.25, |
because Leonard was the saddest Pikachu. |
因为莱纳德扮的是最难过的皮卡丘 |
11:25.53, |
Right, and he wiped his nose on your cape, |
没错 然后他用你的披风擤鼻涕 |
11:27.41, |
and then you were the saddest Darth Vader. |
你就变成最悲催的黑武士了 |
11:31.77, |
You know, Penny and I aren't the only ones who've broken up. |
话说 不是只有我和佩妮分过手 |
11:34.84, |
So did Howard and Bernadette. |
霍华德和伯纳黛特也分过 |
11:36.53, |
Uh, not to brag, but all my breakups have lasted. |
不是要炫耀啦 但我每次分手都一分到底了 |
11:42.34, |
7年前 |
11:43.14, |
I'm so sorry to hear about you and Howard. |
你和霍华德分手了 我很遗憾 |
11:45.21, |
Thanks. I just didn't think he was |
谢了 我真是看不出来 |
11:47.38, |
the kind of guy who would be doing weird stuff online. |
他是那种在网上乱来的人 |
11:50.51, |
Really? Wow, I thought it was so obvious, but okay. |
真的吗 我觉得特别明显呀 不过行吧 |
11:54.71, |
Look, I know it's hard, but I think the best thing |
我知道分手很难熬 但我觉得 |
11:56.34, |
to do after a breakup is to take some time |
分手后最该做的就是沉淀一下 |
11:58.34, |
and be by yourself. |
好好享受单身时光 |
12:00.01, |
Yeah, that's healthy. |
这才是健康的 |
12:01.75, |
Hey, babe, ready to go? |
宝贝儿 可以走了吗 |
12:04.04, |
Do as I say, not as I do. |
学我所言 而非我行 |
12:08.95, |
今时今日 |
12:10.10, |
I cannot believe you're mad. |
我真不敢相信你会生气 |
12:11.58, |
I'm not mad. |
我没有生气 |
12:12.96, |
Oh, really? Tell that to your eyebrows. |
真的吗 对你的眉毛说去 |
12:17.29, |
Bet I could place a quarter between them, |
我在中间放一个硬币 |
12:19.01, |
and it would just stay there. |
都能停得稳稳当当 |
12:22.96, |
Fine, I'm mad. |
好吧 我生气了 |
12:24.02, |
I guess I was more upset by our breakup than you. |
我只是觉得我比你对分手更感到难过 |
12:26.67, |
That is not true. Of course I was upset. |
才怪 我当然也很难过 |
12:28.93, |
Didn't seem like it. |
看起来不像呀 |
12:30.10, |
You started dating the first |
你立刻就跟你找到的第一个 |
12:31.31, |
tall, handsome hunk you could find. |
又高又帅的肌肉男搞上了 |
12:34.18, |
I'm sorry, |
不好意思 |
12:34.77, |
are you mad that I dated Zack or that you didn't? |
你是气我上了他 还是气自己没上到他 |
12:44.73, |
Hi.-Hey,Zack. |
嗨-你好扎克 |
12:46.49, |
So good to see you guys. |
真高兴见到你们 |
12:48.69, |
Man, we should do this more often. |
我们应该多几次这样的相聚 |
12:51.95, |
Come over to get laptops back from you? |
不停地回来找你要笔记本电脑吗 |
12:54.46, |
Totally. |
对啊 |
12:57.20, |
So do you have it? |
你还留着那电脑吗 |
12:58.10, |
Of course I do. Penny gave it to me as a gift. |
当然啦 那是佩妮送给我的礼物 |
13:00.21, |
You don't get rid of something like that. |
这么重要的礼物怎么能乱丢呢 |
13:08.15, |
All right, I'm sorry I gave away your stupid laptop. |
抱歉我把你那台蠢电脑送掉了 |
13:10.74, |
You should be. We were broken up for, like, five minutes. |
你道歉是应该的 我们当时才刚分手 |
13:12.84, |
Are you guys fighting? |
你俩在吵架吗 |
13:13.80, |
- Yeah. ?- No. |
对-没有 |
13:14.87, |
Are you fighting about whether or not you're fighting? |
你们在为是否在吵架这件事而吵吗 |
13:16.85, |
Cause I've had that fight before. |
我也跟人吵过这个架 |
13:18.51, |
Turns out we were, and I lost. |
最后发现我们真的在吵架 而我输了 |
13:21.83, |
Leonard thinks when we broke up, it didn't bother me. |
莱纳德觉得我和他分手时一点都不难过 |
13:24.10, |
That's crazy. |
怎么可能 |
13:25.06, |
When we were going out, she used to talk about you all the time. |
我和她交往时 她不停地在说你的事 |
13:27.73, |
In fact, I think she only dated me |
老实说 我觉得她和我约会 |
13:29.65, |
because I reminded her of you. |
仅仅是因为我让她想起了你 |
13:35.40, |
Sure. |
好吧 |
13:38.20, |
Because we're both... |
因为咱俩都... |
13:40.22, |
people? |
是人吗 |
13:42.62, |
Damn right we are. |
说对啦 |
13:45.96, |
Oh, also, there was that video about how much she missed you. |
对了 里面还有一段讲述她如何思念你的视频 |
13:49.19, |
- What video? ?- The one on the laptop. |
什么视频-电脑上的那个 |
13:51.63, |
I didn't mean to invade your privacy, but I am a huge snoop. |
我没想窥探你的隐私 但我就是爱管闲事 |
13:55.28, |
Ask my neighbor. She'll tell you. |
不信问我的邻居 她会告诉你 |
13:57.20, |
But not right now; she's in the shower. |
但别现在去问 她正在洗澡呢 |
14:01.90, |
7年前 |
14:07.92, |
Hello, Leonard. |
你好 莱纳德 |
14:10.05, |
I was gonna write you an e-mail, but I'm a little drunk, |
我本打算给你写封邮件 但是我喝得有点高 |
14:13.50, |
and spelling is a sober person's game, so... |
而拼写这件事适合清醒的人去做 所以... |
14:19.92, |
I feel I owe you a 'splanation. |
我感觉我欠你一个"姐释" |
14:23.19, |
I-- I'm sorry. |
对不起 |
14:25.81, |
A 'splanation. |
一个"姐释" |
14:29.41, |
Penny. Penny. |
佩妮 佩妮 |
14:31.66, |
Penny. |
佩妮 |
14:32.37, |
Sheldon, go away. I'm making a video. |
谢尔顿 走开 我在拍影片呢 |
14:35.19, |
Oh, I'm sorry. I'll come back when you're alone. |
抱歉 等你一个人 方便的时候我再过来 |
14:38.56, |
No, no, no. I am alone. |
不 不是的 我一个人在家 |
14:40.34, |
I'm just telling Leonard why I broke up with him. |
我在向莱纳德解释我为什么和他分手 |
14:43.06, |
Oh, he knows. |
他清楚得很 |
14:44.54, |
The video I want to see |
我倒是想看看 |
14:45.90, |
is why you went out with him in the first place. |
解释你为什么和他交往的视频 |
14:49.55, |
I went out with him because he's great. |
我和他交往是因为他这人很棒 |
14:51.90, |
And if I kept going out with him, |
如果我们继续这样下去 |
14:53.37, |
I probably would've married him, |
我大概就会和他结婚了 |
14:54.93, |
and that's a little scary |
这让我有点害怕 |
14:56.49, |
because I just don't think I'm ready for that. |
因为我还没有做好结婚的准备 |
14:58.64, |
You know, plus I have got to learn how to spell Hofstadter. |
再说 我真得学学如何拼写霍夫斯塔特 |
15:03.80, |
I-I know there's a "D" in there, |
我知道里面有"塔"字 |
15:05.17, |
but it keeps moving every time I try and write it. |
但每次一写 它就跳来跳去 |
15:09.96, |
Sheldon, what do I do? |
谢尔顿 我该怎么做 |
15:12.38, |
Try to pass out facedown, so you don't choke on your vomit. |
昏睡过去时记得面朝下 以免被呕吐物呛死 |
15:17.35, |
I am not gonna pass out. |
我才不会昏睡过去 |
15:20.36, |
But thank you anyway. |
但还是要谢谢你 |
15:27.70, |
- Wow. ?- I know. |
哇-对啊 |
15:30.10, |
There's, like, two more hours of her just lying there. |
她后面还这么趴了两个多小时 |
15:35.69, |
Aw, you love me so much. |
原来你这么爱我 |
15:38.89, |
I married you, jackass. |
我都和你结婚了好吗 猪头 |
15:41.09, |
I... I know, and not just out of pity |
我知道 而且不是因为同情我 |
15:43.32, |
like everyone said in their wedding toast. |
大家的婚礼祝福都说错了 |
15:46.95, |
You want to see the part where she falls off the chair? |
你们想看她最后摔下椅子的画面吗 |
15:48.60, |
- No. ?- Totally. |
不想-想看 |
16:01.85, |
That's my wife. |
这才是我老婆 |
16:04.98, |
I got to see that again. |
我要再看一遍 |
16:09.11, |
- Got the laptop. - Hand it here. |
拿到电脑了-快拿过来 |
16:12.14, |
Oh, this is so exciting! |
我的小心脏好紧张 |
16:14.20, |
Hey, when we sell the Bitcoin, are you gonna pay your dad back |
等我们卖掉比特币 你会把这些年来 |
16:16.70, |
all the money you took from him over the years? |
剥削你爹的钱财都还给他吗 |
16:18.33, |
Never even crossed my mind. |
想都没想过 |
16:22.80, |
Okay, here's the Bitcoin folder. |
找到比特币文件夹了 |
16:24.13, |
Yeah, how much is in there? |
里面有多少钱 |
16:28.03, |
It's empty. |
里面是空的 |
16:29.16, |
What? Th-That's impossible. |
什么 怎么可能 |
16:32.05, |
Do you think Zack stole it? |
难道是扎克偷了吗 |
16:33.73, |
No, he doesn't know how to steal Bitcoin. |
他才不懂怎么偷比特币 |
16:35.64, |
I mean, he waves at trucks. |
他还会跟路上的卡车司机打招呼呢 |
16:40.34, |
Hmm... who could it have been? |
那会是谁干的呢 |
16:46.04, |
Sheldon, what did you do? |
谢尔顿 你做了什么 |
16:47.72, |
I plotted my revenge. |
我策划了我的报仇大计 |
16:49.70, |
If you get a dish, I'll serve you some cold. |
如果你有盘子 我就为你呈上一盘复仇 |
16:53.73, |
What, y-you stole our Bitcoin? |
你偷了我们的比特币吗 |
16:55.91, |
Oh, calm down. |
冷静 |
16:57.11, |
All I did was sneak onto your computer |
我只是偷偷登录了你的电脑 |
16:59.18, |
and download your Bitcoin onto a flash drive. |
把你们的比特币下载到U盘上了 |
17:01.87, |
What? |
什么 |
17:02.60, |
I'm not keeping it. |
我没有占为己有 |
17:04.23, |
I just wanted to watch you sweat. |
我只是想看你着急到满头大汗 |
17:05.99, |
If you want to watch him sweat, |
你要想看他出汗 |
17:07.57, |
walk up a flight of stairs with him. |
只需要和他爬一层楼梯就行了 |
17:11.65, |
I've waited seven long years, but it finally happened. |
我等待了7年之久 终于等到了 |
17:16.68, |
Where's our money? |
我们的钱在哪里 |
17:18.10, |
That's the best part. |
这才是最妙的部分 |
17:19.29, |
It's on the Batman flash drive on your key chain. |
其实就在你钥匙串上的蝙蝠侠U盘里 |
17:22.95, |
You've had it in your pocket all along. |
一直都在你的口袋里呢 |
17:28.43, |
Sheldon... |
谢尔顿 |
17:30.79, |
I lost that key chain years ago. |
我的钥匙串早就丢了 |
17:37.43, |
Really? |
真的吗 |
17:40.43, |
D-D-Did you look under things? |
你 你 有没有到处找找吗 |
17:46.68, |
Well, that is unfortunate. |
真是太不幸了 |
17:49.33, |
I guess we've all learned a lesson today. |
我想我们今天都学到了一课 |
17:54.58, |
What was the lesson? |
我们学到了什么呀 |
17:55.35, |
I don't know. |
我也不知道 |
18:00.85, |
4年前 |
18:06.07, |
Huh. What's that? |
那是什么 |
18:09.52, |
Ooh, Batman flash drive. |
蝙蝠侠的U盘呢 |
18:14.12, |
Pretty cool. |
真不错 |
18:16.90, |
Huh, if I erase this, |
如果我把它格式化 |
18:18.94, |
I could probably resell it for, like, ten bucks. |
还可以卖个10块钱呢 |
18:23.63, |
Things are finally going my way. |
小康生活在向我招手啦 |