WorkThere are countless reasons why a person chooses to work rather than stay at home, even if they are economically well off or they hate their jobs. The most common reason is that everyone needs money to live on; and second, that work gives people the structure and purpose that they need to live out their lives.
Some people join different civil branches of the government and become school teachers, army officers or government officials. Others join large companies and settle for white-collar jobs. From their chosen career, these people later learn good habits, discipline and self-autonomy. These people often end up discovering their true calling in life. Others with a mind for scientific and abstract thinking like to contribute towards making new discoveries. Some artists and performers work on a freelance basis. They like to showcase their talents and abilities.
Lastly, there are businessmen in our society who play a very important role in helping our country to develop economically. In retrospect, many of these entrepreneurs took great risks with their investments to start up new businesses. They are also the happiest workers, because unlike ordinary paid workers, a good businessman has the power to control his income, his time and his destiny.
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