You know how to use the chopsticks. Great! 你会用筷子了,真棒。
Don’t poke your mouth with the chopsticks. 不要用筷子捅嘴。
Don’t bite the fork. 不要咬叉子。
Don't drum on your bowl with chopsticks. 不要用筷子敲碗。
Hold the bowl with one hand while using your spoon with the other. 一手用勺子吃东西,另一只手扶着碗3
So the bowl won't move around. 这样碗就不会动来动去。
Watch what I do.看我怎么做
Don't scoop up too much with your spoon. 别用勺子舀那么多。
This knife cuts well, doesn't it?这刀挺好使的,是不是?
Please lay them straight. 请把他们放好。
It's the time to do the dishes 到洗碗的时间了。
Put them in the sideboard. 把他们放到餐具柜里。
Don't use disposable chopsticks. 不要用一次性筷子。
scoop 舀起来
sideboard 餐具柜
disposable 一次性的