Today is June the first, Children's Day.
What do you do on Children’s Day?
We have a class party today.我们今天有班级聚会。
Will you keep me company? 你会陪我吗?
Are you giving your own performance?会有你的节目吗?
I’m a little excited about that.我有点小激动呢。
Hurry. It is going to start soon.快点,都快开始了。
Use some sun cream.用一些防晒霜。
Stay out of the sun.不要待在太阳下。
I record a video. 我录视频。
Look at the camera.看镜头。
I feel like in my second childhood. 我感觉好像回到了童年。
I love to see your happy smile. 我喜欢看见你们快乐的笑容。
Both of you.你们两个。
Would you take a photo of us?你愿意给我们拍个照吗?
what a good lively day!好热闹的一天!