You are sneezing. 你在打喷嚏啊。
What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了?
My nose is stuffy. 鼻子不通。
You have a running nose. 你在流鼻涕呢。
Put a tissue on your nose. 拿面巾纸捂住鼻子。
Blow your nose hard. 用力擤鼻涕。
Don't put the boogers here. It's gross.
别把鼻屎放在这, 恶心哦。
I feel like coughing all the time. 总想咳嗽。
Any phlegm in your throat? 有痰吗?
Spit into the tissue. 吐在面巾纸上。
I have a sore throat.我嗓子疼。
You are shivering. 你在发抖呢。
You seem to have caught a cold.你好像感冒了。
you are not going out today. 今天不要出门了。
Stay in bed and keep warm. 暖暖和和地待在床上。
Have a good rest.好好歇歇