第70课:Diarrhea 腹泻
教程:胖胖亲子英语  浏览:3277  
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    I just can't stop farting all the time. 我控制不住一直放屁。

    And you seem to have got a little poop in your pants.


    I feel bloated. 我感觉肚胀。

    Do you have a tummy ache? 你肚子疼吗?

    Poor boy. 可怜的孩子。

    Do you wanna poop? 你要拉臭臭吗?

    I just can't hold it. 我快憋不住了。

    You have diarrhea. 你拉肚子了。

    It's coming out like water. 像水一样出来了。

    Are you feeling better? 感觉好些了吗?

    I think I'm going to throw up. 我觉得我要吐了。

    Just go ahead. 做(吐)吧。

    Did you eat any cold food? 你吃凉的了吗?

    Let me rub your tummy.我来给你按摩肚子。

    Is it bad digestion? 消化不良吗?

    No heavy food in the evening. 晚上不吃不好消化的东西了。

    I have no appetite at all. 我一点胃口也没有。

    Drink some hot water. 喝点热水。

      上一篇:第69课:A Rash 皮疹 下一篇:第71课:Eye Fatigue 眼睛疲劳

