Jamie has a puppy. Jamie有一只小狗。
It is so adorable. 它好可爱啊。
Can I keep a pet? 我能养一只宠物吗?
What is your favorite? 你最喜欢什么呢?
I like kitties. 我喜欢小猫咪。
Can you take good care of it? 你能照顾好它吗?
I promise I feed it every day. 我保证天天喂它。
Apart from feeding it, you need to clean up the feces in time.
When it gets sick...当它生病时……
I take it to the vet. 我带它去看医生。
It will shed hair on the sofa. 他会把毛掉到沙发上。
I'll wash and groom it regularly. 我会定时给它洗刷的。
Let's go to the pet shop. 我们去宠物商店吧。
Now she is your pal. 现在她是你的伙伴了。
What would you name her? 你给她取什么名字呢?