第96课:I Have a Brother/Sister 我有哥哥姐姐
教程:胖胖亲子英语  浏览:1032  
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    I am a big(elder)/ little(younger) sister/brother. 我是一个大哥哥/大姐姐/小弟弟/小妹妹。

    He /She is so little and so cute. 他/她好小好可爱。

    He /She is a little ball of flesh. 他/她是一个小肉球。

    When I make faces, he/she giggles. 我扮鬼脸时,他/她咯咯笑。

    When I tickle his/her feet, he/she wriggles. 我挠他/她的脚时,他/她扭来扭去。

    Can you help change his/her diaper? 你可以帮忙换纸尿裤吗?

    He /She is noisy. He/ She cries too much. 他/她好吵。他/她这么爱哭。

    He /She licks my toys. 他/她舔我的玩具。

    You only hold him/her instead of me. 你只抱他/她不抱我。

    He /She is too little to stand or walk. 他/她太小了不能站也不能走。

    You used to be a little baby too. 你以前也是一个小宝宝啊。

    You don't know how much I love you.你不知道我有多爱你们。

    Let's cuddle together. 我们抱一起吧。

    We are family. 我们是一家人。

    Let's sing a lullaby to him/her. 我们来给他/她唱个摇篮曲吧。

      上一篇:第95课:A Boy or a Girl? 男孩还是女孩 下一篇:第97课:Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节

