Amanda: Just hang on a sec! I've got to make sure we have all the essential items needed for a good time.
Mike: Judging by the pile of stuff by the door, it will be a while before we're ready to make a move. In my opinion, all you need is a hat and some sunscreen. I don't see the need for much else.
Amanda: Well, that's what you said last time, but I seem to recall you loved basking on the inflatable raft I packed. And don't get me started about that time last year when you hustled me out the door so quickly that I forgot the towels.
Mike: Okay. I get your point. Well, if we're not leaving for a while, I'll busy myself with the task of making salami sandwiches. I know you like a snack when you're sunbathing.
Amanda: Great idea. After you've done that look over the pile, as you put it, to see if I've missed anything.
Mike: Well, off the top of my head, I'd say you've forgotten the change we need for the meter in the car park.
Amanda: You know what? I think you might be right.
essential (adj.) 必要的;不可或缺的It is essential to make sure you have a good map or you'll get lost.
to bask (v.) 晒太阳;取暖The seals basked in the sun and then dived into the water to hunt fish.
raft (n.) 橡皮艇;筏子To everybody's surprise, our homemade raft floated.
to hustle (v.) 催促;猛推The security team hustled the president away from the disturbance.
salami (n.) 义大利香肠The butcher described how he spiced and dried his meat to make salami.
hang on a sec 等一下A: We better leave now or we'll miss our appointment.
B: Hang on a sec. I'm looking for my health card.
to busy oneself with something 忙著做某事A: I like to busy myself with the housework during the weekends.
B: I prefer watching television or reading.
off the top of one's head 一时想到;马上想到;当下推测A: Off the top of the head, I'd say there are about thirty people at the event.
B: Right. I'll call the organizers for an exact figure later.